I think I have something close to what you're looking for, but my solution 
makes me wonder, *why store text in your model rather than the parsed 
float/int values?* It seems like you want the parsed values for a 
calculation, not to format a paragraph of text.

update : Msg -> Model -> Model
update msg model =
  case msg of
    ChangeDripText dripText ->
      { model
        | dripText = valueOrDefault model.dripText String.toFloat dripText

    ChangeHoursText simulationHoursText ->
      { model
        | simulationHoursText = valueOrDefault model.simulationHoursText 
String.toInt simulationHoursText

    ChangeMinutesText simulationMinutesText ->
      { model
        | simulationMinutesText = valueOrDefault 
model.simulationMinutesText String.toInt simulationMinutesText

valueOrDefault : a -> (a -> Result x b) -> a -> a
valueOrDefault default test value =
  test value
    |> Result.map (always value)
    |> Result.withDefault default

On Wednesday, October 19, 2016 at 10:49:03 AM UTC-4, Brian Marick wrote:
> I have a model that looks like this:
>     type alias Model =
>       { ...
>       , dripText : String
>       , simulationHoursText : String
>       , simulationMinutesText : String
>       ...
>       }
> Those strings each correspond to a text field containing floating point 
> numbers. The whole thing looks like this:
> The text fields ensure that the values are all valid when characters are 
> typed, using `onInput` messages.  I would very much like to write something 
> like:
>     — Ignore the fact that this `update` doesn’t return
>     — a `Cmd Msg`. That’s coming.
>     update : Msg -> Model -> Model
>     update msg model =
>       case msg of
>         ChangedDripText string ->
>           updateWhen isValidFloatString dripText string
>         ChangedHoursText string ->
>           updateWhen isValidIntString simulationHoursText string
>         ChangedMinutesText string ->
>           updateWhen isValidIntString simulationMinutesText string       
> … because that shows what’s different about each case. (Especially useful 
> is highlighting which fields accept integers and which floats.) 
> However, I think - based on 
> https://lexi-lambda.github.io/blog/2015/11/06/functionally-updating-record-types-in-elm/
> - there’s no way to do that. Which has me writing this copypasta: 
>     updateNextSpeed model nextString =
>       if isValidFloatString nextString then
>         {model | dripText = nextString }
>       else
>         model
>     updateHours model nextString =
>       if isValidIntString nextString then
>         {model | simulationHoursText = nextString } 
>       else
>         model
>     updateMinutes model nextString = 
>       if isValidIntString nextString then
>         {model | simulationMinutesText = nextString }
>       else
>         model
>     update : Msg -> Model -> Model
>     update msg model =
>       case msg of
>         ChangedDripText string ->
>           updateNextSpeed model string
>         ChangedHoursText string ->
>           updateHours model string
>         ChangedMinutesText string ->
>           updateMinutes model string
> Is there a better way to handle this?

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