Aliases could also remain forever, so people could choose which they 
prefer. However, this seems counter to the prevailing direction for Elm. 

On Wednesday, October 26, 2016 at 9:42:25 AM UTC-4, Robin Heggelund Hansen 
> I think aliasing would just push the problem further into the future. At 
> some point breakage would have to happen, there's no reason to not having 
> it being done right now. It's not like your code base will be any smaller 
> when the aliasing is removed.
> True, the change should be reflected in similar functions. Just like 
> library authors are encouraged to change the definition for andThen to be 
> used with pipes instead of backticks (requires arguments to be flipped).
> onsdag 26. oktober 2016 14.21.02 UTC+2 skrev Wouter In t Velt følgende:
>> Op woensdag 26 oktober 2016 13:21:03 UTC+2 schreef Rupert Smith:
>>> Also worth pointing out that these libraries (and possibly others) have 
>>> adopted the convention of using a single 'l' or 'r' to mean from-the-left 
>>> and from-the-right: 
>> And the List library also has a scanl function (no scanr), which - 
>> should some renaming of foldl happen - would be nice to keep consistent.

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