I'm sure someone on here can answer your question, I'm just curious how 
this relates to Elm ? Isn't this an Elixir related question ?


On Monday, 31 October 2016 01:30:36 UTC+1, Jaroslaw Zabiello wrote:
> Why Ecto is  adding sort by rule for the column used in distinct?
> Repo.all(from b in Book, select: b.name, distinct: b.name, order_by: b.sort)
> SELECT DISTINCT ON (b0."name") b0."name" FROM "books" AS b0 ORDER BY 
> *b0."name",* b0."sort" []
> Repo.all(from b in Book, select: b.name, distinct: b.name, order_by: [b.sort, 
> b.name])
> SELECT DISTINCT ON (b0."name") b0."name" FROM "books" AS b0 ORDER BY* 
> b0."name"*, b0."sort", b0."name"
> It looks like a bug, isn't it?
> --
> JZ

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