Embedding the code in its documentation is a very interesting idea. I can
see it being very useful for tutorials & libraries. (The examples were
pleasant to read through.) But generally I try to avoid comments in favor
of making the code self-documenting. Comments are a liability -- it's easy
for them to get out of sync with the code, and the compiler cannot stop
them from lying to the user.

So this literate programming approach can reduce the maintenance cost of
documentation where documentation is needed. But I worry that if so much
emphasis is placed on the documentation, maybe there is less incentive to
make the programming language itself readable.

This is just a general thought. I don't mean to criticize Eve's readability
in particular. Lord knows we get enough people throwing stones at Elm
because they can't understand it after just a few minutes :-P

Thanks for sharing this. I'll be interested to see where it goes.

On Mon, Nov 14, 2016 at 3:21 PM, Erkal Selman <erkalsel...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I wonder, what the elm community thinks about Eve: http://witheve.com/ ?
> Here is the syntax reference: https://witheve.github.io/assets/docs/
> SyntaxReference.pdf
> I think that this language/architecture is worth to look at.
> It has many similarities with elm.
> But it is more like logic programming. (Is this the logic programming of
> the future?)
> I was following this project from far and I had the impression that he
> (Chris Granger) was doing some kind of excel.
> But now I see that they can do flappy bird in eve:
> http://play.witheve.com/#/examples/flappy.eve
> That is exciting!
> Is there something similar to Eve?
> It really looks like something new.
> My main question:
> What do you think, are advantages and disadvantages of Eve, if you compare
> it with Elm.
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