There is not much documentation on it on purpose.  ^.^
Best way to learn it is to read how it is implemented in the core 
libraries.  :-)

As a comparison, if you are try to implement TEA in Swift, I managed to 
make subscriptions in mine via startup/shutdown callbacks and a back-end 
differ, quite easy to make then.  :-)

On Tuesday, November 15, 2016 at 2:35:20 PM UTC-7, Guido Marucci Blas wrote:
> Thanks a lot for the detailed answer!!! I clearly wasn't aware of the 
> effect manager. I would read more about it.
> Thanks!
> On Tuesday, November 15, 2016 at 6:20:27 PM UTC-3, OvermindDL1 wrote:
>> Comments i
>> On Tuesday, November 15, 2016 at 2:02:10 PM UTC-7, Guido Marucci Blas 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi everybody! I've been reading the docs and following Elm every now and 
>>> then.  I did some toy application to learn the language and the 
>>> architecture. I am working on a native iOS application so using Elm in my 
>>> day job won't happen (for now). The main reason I want to learn Elm (apart 
>>> from it being awesome!) is that I want to apply Elm's architecture to iOS 
>>> with Swift (yeah a lot of people is doing the same thing). There are quite 
>>> a few libraries that try to bring Elm's architecture to Swift but I don't 
>>> want to use them. I want to implement something myself because that way I 
>>> will be able to understand it better. 
>>> The reason I am writing is that I want to better understand how 
>>> subscriptions work internally. Please correct me if I am wrong. My 
>>> understanding of how subscription works is that they provide a mechanism to 
>>> "hook" to a stream of infinite events. Those events get mapped to your own 
>>> application message by virtue of the message constructor function that is 
>>> passed when creating a new subscription. As far as I can tell the only way 
>>> of creating subscription is by a model update. Every time the model gets 
>>> updated, Elm's runtime calls the subscription function (passed to the init 
>>> function when you bootstrap your app). This gives us the change to create a 
>>> new subscription based of the current state. Am I correct? 
>>>    - Is there any other way of creating subscriptions? 
>>>    - What happens when the process of starting a subscription needs to 
>>>    perform a expensive side-effect? 
>>>    - What is the Elm way of doing this?
>>> No other way of creating subscriptions.
>> The subscription itself should be fairly minimal, the effect manager 
>> handling the subscription setup and teradown should be doing all the costly 
>> stuff 'out-of-band' of your main app.
>> On Tuesday, November 15, 2016 at 2:02:10 PM UTC-7, Guido Marucci Blas 
>> wrote: 
>>> Lets say that I have an application that connects to an external device 
>>> and after connecting with this device it wants to start listening to a 
>>> stream of data that this device reports every one second. Lets imagine this 
>>> device is thermometer that advertises the room's temperature. I want to 
>>> have an app that prints the average temperature since a connection with 
>>> thermometer was established. We can omit how we connect with thermometer 
>>> for now
>>> type alias Model = 
>>> { thermometer: Maybe Thermometer
>>> , temperatureSamples: List Float
>>> }
>>> type Msg 
>>>   = ConnectedThermometer Thermometer
>>>   | TemperatureSample Float
>>> update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg) 
>>> update msg model =
>>>   case msg of
>>>     ConnectedThermometer thermometer ->
>>>       ({ model | thermometer = thermometer }, Cmd.none)
>>>     TemperatureSample temperature ->
>>>       ({ model | temperatureSamples = temperature :: model.
>>> temperatureSamples}, Cmd.none)
>>> view : Model -> Html Msg
>>> view model = 
>>>   let
>>>     averageTemperature = (List.sum model.temperatureSamples) / List.length 
>>> model.temperatureSamples
>>>   in
>>>     Html.text (toString averageTemperature)
>>> subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
>>> subscriptions model =
>>>   model.thermometer
>>>     |> map Thermometer.temperature TemperatureSample
>>>     |> withDefault Sub.none
>>> -- Inside the Thermometer module
>>> temperature : (Float -> Msg) -> Thermometer -> Sub Msg
>>> temperature msgConstructor thermometer = ...
>>> *I am assuming there is a function in the Thermometer that knows how to 
>>> create subscription for a given connected thermometer. I am also assuming 
>>> that this MUST be implemented in Javascript and that all needed 
>>> side-effects in order to create the subscription are performed on the JS 
>>> side.*
>> Nah, subscription can be managed within Elm by an effect manager (though 
>> it tends to eventually go out to a javascript effect manager, like via HTTP 
>> requests or whatever).
>> On Tuesday, November 15, 2016 at 2:02:10 PM UTC-7, Guido Marucci Blas 
>> wrote: 
>>> If my assumptions are correct then my main concern is that for every 
>>> state update this "expensive" side effects that could be performed on the 
>>> JS side by creating a new subscription are executed for every model update. 
>>> If that is the case then I have the following questions
>> A subscription is just that, a subscription, saying that you 'want to 
>> listen to messages from a given effect manager'.  The remote effect manager 
>> could even be doing stuff even when nothing is subscribed, a subscription 
>> is just that the main app wants to listen to messages from that effect 
>> manager.  Subscriptions should change only based on your state.  Basically 
>> it works kind of like this:
>> 1. You have a subscription that appears when something on your model is, 
>> say, True.
>> 2. The system sees that a new subscription has appeared compared to the 
>> last check, so it calls into the effect manager (passing it a 
>> 'registration' message basically), and the effect manager can do whatever 
>> it wants, from storing it, ignoring it, whatever.
>> 3. As the effect manager does stuff (receives something over a http 
>> request, gets an interval call from the javascript setInterval, whatever), 
>> it calls the 'router' to send a message back to the main application, which 
>> the application handles via the subscription callback.
>> 4. When the subscription is no longer registered in the main app the 
>> effect manager gets a notification of that via another message to it.
>> Basically for a given thermometer thing, the setup should generally 
>> either be a task or an effect manager itself, depending on what and how 
>> much it does.
>> On Tuesday, November 15, 2016 at 2:02:10 PM UTC-7, Guido Marucci Blas 
>> wrote:
>>>    - Is the responsibility of the JS code that creates the 
>>>    subscriptions to keep track of the created subscriptions and avoid 
>>> creating 
>>>    a new one if a previous subscription to the same thermometer has already 
>>>    been created?
>>> Nope that is the job of the effect manager that is registered too (which 
>> is sometimes but not always backed by JS code).
>> On Tuesday, November 15, 2016 at 2:02:10 PM UTC-7, Guido Marucci Blas 
>> wrote: 
>>>    - How would you terminate a subscription?
>>> Just quit registering to it, the effect manager backing it will tell the 
>> effect manager that it is no longer interested in messages.
>> On Tuesday, November 15, 2016 at 2:02:10 PM UTC-7, Guido Marucci Blas 
>> wrote: 
>>>    - What happens if the process of establishing a subscription could 
>>>    fail? 
>>> You could do that via a Task, get a valid or invalid connection (then 
>> pass the connection to a subscription to listen to updates from it), or 
>> that could be handled by the effect manager itself too, it makes a 
>> connection when a subscription starts and so forth, it can send a failure 
>> message (Result or some custom union type) if it fails for example.
>> On Tuesday, November 15, 2016 at 2:02:10 PM UTC-7, Guido Marucci Blas 
>> wrote: 
>>>    - What is the best way to handle that? 
>>> See above.
>> On Tuesday, November 15, 2016 at 2:02:10 PM UTC-7, Guido Marucci Blas 
>> wrote: 
>>>    - Do I need to execute a command to perform the side effect (which 
>>>    could possible fail) that would allow to create a subscription and if 
>>> and 
>>>    only if this command is successfully executed then try to create a 
>>>    subscription?
>>> Only if you want, but honestly I'd put that job in the effect manager 
>> itself...
>> On Tuesday, November 15, 2016 at 2:02:10 PM UTC-7, Guido Marucci Blas 
>> wrote: 
>>> Sorry for the big bulk of text and thanks in advance!
>> And do note, I use Elm in a large project, but I do not do dev work on 
>> elm itself, my knowledge is no doubt incomplete but I have decently 
>> implemented the Elm API (subscriptions and all) in other languages (of 
>> which it works wonderfully in) so I hope my knowledge is fairly accurate. 
>>  ;-) 

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