I maybe post it differently.

I have this small program that asynchronously reading data from JSON file 
and displays it as an array.

import Html exposing (..)
import Html.App as App
import Http
import Table exposing (defaultCustomizations)
import Task
import Json.Decode as Json exposing ((:=))

main =
 { init = init
 , update = update
 , view = view
 , subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none


type alias Job =
 { task : String
 , who : String
 , place : String

type alias Jobs = List Job

type alias Model =
 { jobs : Maybe Jobs
 , tableState : Table.State

init : ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init =
 ( { jobs = Nothing
 , tableState = Table.initialSort "Year"
 , getJson


type Msg
 = SetTableState Table.State
 | FetchSucceed (Maybe Jobs)
 | FetchFail Http.Error

update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
 case msg of
 SetTableState newState ->
 ( { model | tableState = newState }
 , Cmd.none

 FetchSucceed jobs ->
 ( {model | jobs = jobs}
 , Cmd.none

 FetchFail _ ->
 (model, Cmd.none)


view : Model -> Html Msg
view { jobs, tableState } =
 div [] [ viewJobs jobs tableState ]

viewJobs maybeJobs tableState =
 case maybeJobs of
 Nothing ->
 text "No jobs to display"
 Just jobs ->
 Table.view config tableState jobs


config : Table.Config Job Msg
config =
 { toId = .task
 , toMsg = SetTableState
 , columns =
 [ Table.stringColumn "Task" .task
 , Table.stringColumn "Who" .who
 , Table.stringColumn "Place" .place
 , customizations =


getJson : Cmd Msg
getJson =
 Task.perform FetchFail FetchSucceed (Http.get decoderColl "jobs.json" |> 

decoder : Json.Decoder Job
decoder =
 Json.object3 Job
 ("task" := Json.string)
 ("who" := Json.string)
 ("place" := Json.string)

decoderColl : Json.Decoder Jobs
decoderColl =
 Json.object1 identity
 ("jobs" := Json.list decoder)

Now I have the second usecase when same data has to be printed out as a 
list. My question is is there a way to re-use JSON reading routine?

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