Op dinsdag 22 november 2016 14:49:47 UTC+1 schreef Charlie Koster:
> My assumption is a race condition here wouldn't be possible since calling 
> `sendMsg MyMsg` is a synchronous action

I have tried it out in elm-lang.org/try, which suggests that it is 
asynchronous, in a simple setup
- button that sends a DoStuff message
- in update, the DoStuff branch outputs DoMore
- update also logs all messages
- the setup also contains a basic subscription to Time, with a Tick every 

The log then shows that between the DoStuff message and the DoMore message, 
a Tick message comes in.
This is an extreme example, I admit, but with subscriptions to server 
messages, mouseovers etc, there is no telling when messages come in.
So my takeaway was: if you want something done synchronously, handle it 
inside a single update cycle.

If the community agrees that using Cmd Msg as you suggest is a valid 
pattern with valid use cases, then the (simple) helper would be a useful 
addition to a Task (or Platform? or Platform.cmd) package.

The fact that we do not agree on this, makes it an interesting discussion 
Where do others stand on this?

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