Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

The "time split" you describe actually used to be a feature of the time
travel debugger. But judging from Evan's comments on elm-dev, it doesn't
sound like it is going to come back. For example:


> In the old debugger, you could go back in time, and then choose a
> *different* future.
> This works *within* Elm, but as soon as you are interacting with a
> database or JS or a server that *doesn't* know about time travel, you are
> can introduce all sorts of subtle bugs. It's like in the time-travel
> movies. It doesn't really work if you think about it.
> So I think the new version well let you go back, but only let you
> "resume". Basically, you can travel to the past, but you can't change it.
> You are just an observer, and when you are done looking around, you come
> back to the present.

On Mon, Dec 5, 2016 at 5:49 AM, Ruud Steltenpool <>

> Hello all,
> What I tweeted and was unsurprisingly not clear to @rtfeldman (of Elm
> fame):
> interactiveProgramming
> +eventRecorder
> +timeTravel Debugger
> +ifThen timeSplit
> +refactorTool finding similarities
> =enactLikeCoding? @rtfeldman
> Let me try in slightly longer form:
> (me = doesn't code much at all, thinks a lot about
> data/structures/working together/design)
> Hopefully there's something in there for you smart routined
> coders/designers)
> Interactive Programming to me means: your code and variables stay in
> memory even when the end of the code is reached. When you add something
> afterwards, the code will continue. REPL is a flavour. I could imagine
> also being able to PAUSE, CHANGE code somewhere in the middle, RESUME.
> Event Recorder: all (user?) events are logged
> Time Travel Debugger: You can time travel through state, see what
> variables you had with what values at any point in time
> If-Then Time-Split, let's just call it time split, or parallel universe:
> Flow through code is not just 'one straight line through time', but the
> route is dependent on values through If-Then, Case-Switch, etc.  So if
> you travel back in time to a point before such a decision and change a
> value and see how the code goes from there you will not only get
> different values, it will even give a new flow through your code. Maybe
> a Time Travel Debugger already support keeping (in parallel) the part in
> future you're changing aka doing differently in parallel, if not, I
> think it should and the next bit hopefully explains why
> refactor Tool finding similarities: what if your coding environment
> facilitated a more experimental style of coding, learning and improving
> while doing probably doing some coding along the way that is not nearly
> the quality you need as an end result. When the tool shows you
> similarities as you type, it helps you structure your code. Then it's
> less bad to repeat yourself, cause the tool helps you to
> DontRepeatYourself in the 'final' version.
> Maybe with all that in place maybe you can get to something I call
> enact-like Coding. It's sort of a mix of getting the specs right,
> prototyping/implementing and user testing: A potential user interacts
> with your 'GUI canvas' and you code, while talking about what it should
> do. While you log his/her actions (and maybe record the audio/video of
> your meeting together) and build a prototype that can be very simple as
> you're right there (in reality or over to explain it. After
> the meeting you and your colleagues turn the prototype into an alpha
> version and then have another meeting with the/a user. As certainly for
> the first meeting you probably need the person in charge of the money
> describing your task, this will force him/her in the role of the user,
> thereby making him more open to proper usability/user-friendliness.
> Also makes me think of the only bit of 'start-to-end pair programming' I
> did almost 25 years ago:
> I was typing the algorithm, next to me someone interrogating me about
> what things meant and what was going on and I told him 'shortcuts' I was
> taking to later fix so I could keep my higher-level train of thought. He
> typed that all on his completely unrelated system, so it took more
> manual labor to combine than it would take nowadays
> bonus: the system shouldn't care too much about where you change your
> system, change CSS, DOM-state, HTML, javascript, some other file/state
> It feels like there are some similarities with git, build on that where
> possible
> Hoping this wasn't a complete waste of your valuable time,
> Kind regards,
> Ruud
> PS: Hoping to finally code something in Elm during Christmas break
> --
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