I’m repeatedly finding myself running into decisions about sum and product 
types where I’m choosing among alternatives like these:

> type FormValue valueType explanationType
>   = Valid valueType
>   | Invalid valueType explanationType
>   | Unchecked valueType
> -- vs
> type ValidationStatus explanationType
>   = Valid
>   | Invalid explanationType
>   | Unchecked
> type alias FormValue2 valueType explanationType =
>   { value : valueType
>   , status : ValidationStatus
>   }
> -- vs
> -- Something better that makes invalid states
> -- impossible.

Too often, I realize the drawbacks of a decision way later than I’d like. 

Because I was hanging around with OO people in the early 80s, I recognize this 
kind of floundering. Idioms and patterns that we find obvious today were the 
subject of much discussion, experimentation, and - finally - widespread 
diffusion. (Though design patterns sort of took a wrong turn, and are now out 
of favor, their original goal of documenting and explaining the “why” behind 
certain common solutions was really powerful.)

Since FP has been around for a long time, too, I’m hoping that those idioms and 
patterns have been written down, with a good effort toward explaining them 
(with examples!) Where? 

(What I’ve seen has been focused more on laws and provability, as opposed to 
the OO emphasis on Simon’s “satisficing” [*]. Plus, the rather banal 
observation that many OO patterns are unneeded or built in to FP languages led 
to some strong claims (around 2000, especially) that FP systems don’t have any 
design patterns - and I’m afraid the hangover from that has kept people from 
writing the sort of example-based guidelines I’m looking for. Hope I’m wrong.)

[*] Satisficing is the process of looking for good-enough solutions rather than 
continuing on in hopes of finding an optimal one. 

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