> all I really need are just grid layouts and buttons with ripple effects

flexbox and e.g. https://ghinda.net/article/css-ripple-material-design/ ?

On Thursday, 22 December 2016 18:42:49 UTC+1, Mike MacDonald wrote:
> That looks really nice. Even if one does not wish to use it directly, 
> having examples of reusable ways to make such controls is hugely useful 
> pedagogically.
> On Thursday, December 22, 2016 at 9:02:03 AM UTC-5, Dave Rapin wrote:
>> What are your thoughts on elm-ui? I quite like it (prefer it to elm-mdl 
>> actually), and am considering it for a real project. How does it match up 
>> with the current Elm recommendations?
>> http://elm-ui.info/
>> On Thursday, December 22, 2016 at 2:07:29 AM UTC-5, Peter Damoc wrote:
>>> On Wed, Dec 21, 2016 at 8:02 PM, Rex van der Spuy <dandy...@gmail.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Can anyone explain what's going on?
>>> I haven't been following elm-mdl lately but maybe I can provide some 
>>> historical context. 
>>> Reuse of UI is a topic that hasn't been solved in Elm. 
>>> This is why we don't have any official or recommended complex UI toolkit.
>>> The first real attempt at solving the issue was TEA (The Elm 
>>> Architecture). This was a pattern that was distilled by Evan into the 
>>> elm-architecture-tutorial. 
>>> That tutorial used to show how to define components and how to nest 
>>> them. 
>>> Unfortunately, as soon as people started using the pattern for real work 
>>> a lot of discussions started to happen about messages flow (OutMsg) and 
>>> some people abused the pattern by splitting the code too much in terms of 
>>> components. 
>>> Another issue with fancy low level components (many small components 
>>> that are unavoidably stateful) is the amount of boilerplate needed and so, 
>>> Søren created elm-parts that addressed this and then implemented elm-mdl on 
>>> top of that. 
>>> Now, Evan moved away from recommending the nesting architecture and 
>>> advised against putting functions in Model & Msg. This put the 
>>> implementation of elm-mdl at odds with the official recommendation. 
>>> Polymer and webcomponents represent the latest attempt at exploring the 
>>> UI reuse issue in Elm. 
>>> This attempt is in its infancy. 
>>> Josh said that he will implement Firestorm using webcomponents and since 
>>> that kickstarter got funded we might see a real-world complex use of the 
>>> technology. 
>>> v1 of the WebComponents standard has been agreed upon by all major 
>>> vendors and I'm optimistic about its availability (I believe we'll see it 
>>> available next year in the evergreens)
>>> Others don't share my optimism and there is also the issue of mandated 
>>> IE support. 
>>> I guess we'll see what will happen next year. 
>>> In the end, I would like to say that the situation is so foggy that I 
>>> don't really have a solid recommendation. 
>>> elm-mdl looks like a dead-end while webcomponents is so brand new that 
>>> we still haven't figured out how to use it. 
>>> The best way forward now might be to use the 0.18 port of elm-mdl with 
>>> the flat hierarchy recommendations from the reuse part of the guide. Choose 
>>> not to block. 
>>> This might allow for an easy refactoring to a better technology. 
>>> (webcomponents) 
>>> -- 
>>> There is NO FATE, we are the creators.
>>> blog: http://damoc.ro/

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