I'm not certain of your configuration, but in our current project we pretty 
much use the standard: 

// This loader can be in commonConfig or the production/development section 

module: {
 loaders: [
    test: /\.elm$/,
    exclude: [/elm-stuff/, /node_modules/],
    loader: 'elm-hot!elm-webpack'

// our other loaders here

I assume that's your loader. In your package.json, you should have 
something like 

    "elm": "^0.18.0",
    "elm-hot-loader": "^0.5.4",
    "elm-webpack-loader": "^4.1.1",
    "webpack": "^1.14.0",
    "webpack-dev-server": "^1.16.2",
    "webpack-merge": "^2.0.0"
    //just an example of the basic required packages

The above is what I can look at on a personal project where I have upgraded 
those modules manually without issue. The rest of the packages are the same 
as the starter with the exception of a few tweaks to change from bootstrap 
to semantic-ui, and I guess less-loader.

If you're just using the standard elm-webpack-starter, then you should only 
need to set it as a query on the loader. I personally just installed the 
0.18 package globally from the executable from elm-lang.org. If you don't 
want to do that, then just edit your loader so that it looks like this:

//for development build

    test: /\.elm$/,
    exclude: [/elm-stuff/, /node_modules/],
    loader: 'elm-hot!elm-webpack?pathToMake=node_modules/.bin/elm-make'


//for production build

    test: /\.elm$/,
    exclude: [/elm-stuff/, /node_modules/],
    loader: 'elm-webpack?pathToMake=node_modules/.bin/elm-make'


Just double check and see that your packages were installed/upgraded 
through npm. I can't tell you how often I frustrate myself when I decide to 
upgrade a package for a new feature/bug fix and I continue to expect it to 
work without having actually done anything besides save the package change 
in package.json.

The only other thing that I can think of that could be an issue is if you 
have globally installed 0.17 and that package is not upgraded to 0.18.

Because I don't remember npm commands, the quick reference would just be

npm upgrade -g elm

That assumes you are using npm 3+ rather than installing the executable 
from the elm-lang website.

As for what Martin and Simon have said, I've noticed that elm-hot-loader 
only seems to catch your top level changes. Basically, it requires that 
your file structure be flat to pick up changes consistently. Was that your 
experience? I would love for elm-hot-loader to catch a few nested folders 
we have, but playing around with the configuration didn't seem to help.

On Thursday, December 22, 2016 at 12:41:44 PM UTC-6, Rex van der Spuy wrote:

>  It's possible that your elm-webpack-loader is pointing to the wrong 
>> executable.
> Thanks Nathan! Everything else seem fine so it seems that this is likely 
> the problem. 
> Do you know where this needs to be set? 
> I noticed this from the README in elm-webpack-loader but I wasn't sure 
> where or how it should be set (in webpack.config.js?)
> ```
> All options are sent down as an `options` object to node-elm-compiler. For 
> example, you can explicitly pick the local `elm-make` binary by setting the 
> option `pathToMake`:
> ```js
>   ...
>   loader: 'elm-webpack?pathToMake=node_modules/.bin/elm-make',
>   ...
> ```

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