On Sunday, 1 January 2017 22:27:40 UTC+7, Bob Zhang wrote:
> Note that a high quality optimizing compiler like BuckleScript outperforms 
> native JS significantly > Elm.
> (See the benchmark here: 
> http://bloomberg.github.io/bucklescript/slides/preview/bb-reveal-example-presentation.html#/5/1
> )
> The only reason that I suggest these things is that I agree with Evan that 
>> JavaScript would ideally only be used as necessary in libraries, with the 
>> majority of applications never having to deal with it; however, with the 
>> current version there seems to be various applications where Elm code is 
>> not performant enough.
Bob/Hongbo, I don't argue with you (and you have clearly demonstrated) that 
BuckleScript (and the OCaml front end) are fast.  The reasons I don't care 
for OCaml particularly for general use is the paucity of primitive data 
types (as discussed) and limitations of its type system in general as 
compared to more modern ML type languages such as F# (which syntax and use 
I quite like) and Haskell, and the feeling I get using the OCaml syntax 
that it is a prototype of a modern language but not quite there.  With 
clearly long familiarity, you are used to overcoming OCaml's "warts", but 
for others these are real obstructions to the common acceptance of the 

You have replied that for BuckleScript's use with JavaScript as output also 
having limited types, the limitations of primitive types has been overcome, 
and I can see how it could as long as one is using a 64-bit OCaml compiler 
so that Int's are large enough to fully express a 32-bit range (remember 
those OCaml tag bits).  For this limited use of output to Javascript, many 
of Ocaml's "warts" aren't a problem.

My latter complaint is more apt I believe:

   1. Come now, tag bits like a dynamically typed Lisp-type language for a 
   statically typed language?  This really harks back to List-type dynamicall 
   typed languages.
   2. Requirement for semicolons as an end of block (or even dual 
   semicolons such as global imports?) at certain key places, although granted 
   those are mostly for imperative forms of code with  `do` thatwe would 
   prefer not to use (while/for)?
   3. In spite of being white space delimited, also requiring that sub 
   blocks be delimited by begin..end or brackets?
   4. I'm sure there are others as in the definition of the type system...

However, your implementation is most usable and valuable as for this use 
you seem to have overcome most of the limitations of OCaml, and for many 
small uses your provision of a the online compiler in the "try in browser" 
page is so useful that one doesn't have to go to the work of downloading a 
good IDE (OCaml-Top or Visual Studio Code plus plugin) plus the node 
bucketscript plugin.  Thank you very much for bringing it up, as it appears 
that your implementation is ahead of the alternate JavaScript Transpilers 
as to stability and immediate usability, perhaps partially due to the 
stability of OCaml.  It is impresive that a fairly young project produces 
such incredibly efficient JavaScript code!  It seems that your project is 
also well supported by a corporation, so it isn't going to disappear as so 
many other one-horse-pony's do over the course of time.

As developer of the program, you can be most proud.  Your project is both 
practical and eminently usable.

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