Max, apparently you didn’t understand what Maxime’s proposal is *at all*.

For example, he didn’t propose anything that would change the existence of
this type:

type Direction = Up | Down | Left | Right


2017-01-15 23:47 GMT+01:00 Max Goldstein <>:

> First, I appreciate that this proposal is being made in the spirit of Elm:
> seeking to simplify the language, with reference to existing usage (red
> sentence in the first post), and trying to solve an existing problem
> (serialization of union types). It's clear that Maxime wants to learn and
> improve the language. Thank you.
> So let's look at how union types are used, what jobs they are hired to do,
> if you will. You've noticed in core that union types with one tag are used
> to hide things. Sometimes that's as an opaque type: there is one tag that's
> not exposed, and is pattern-matched easily, and the data the tag holds can
> change even in a patch release (example here
> <>).
> Core also contains a rare pattern of, say *type Task x a = Task* where
> the *Task* value defined is not actually used anywhere because it's
> actually a native implementation. Serializing arbitrary union types will
> have to account for this case.
> A more realistic use of union types is as a finite set of labels, even if
> these labels don't carry any information along with them. For example:
> type Direction = Up | Down | Left | Right
> From this we derive pattern matches with static
> (compile-time) exhaustiveness checking, which is a huge improvement in
> reliability and refactorability over "stringly typed" conventions (instead
> of strongly typed, get it?) that you'll see in JavaScript and the like.
> Replacing the Direction type with a record including a string removes this
> huge improvement.
> Adding data to these tags allows for the classic use case of data that
> only makes sense in certain contexts. I remember working with a C++
> graphics library where certain fields of structs were only defined if an
> enum was set to a particular value. But this isn't really a separate use
> case from labels without data, since you can freely mix within a type. The 
> RemoteData
> type
> <>does
> this to great effect.
> More theoretically, union types and records are not the same; they are
> actually duals. Union types are referred to as "sum types" and records (and
> tuples) are "product types". Here's the reasoning: consider two types, *a*
> and *b*. Let's denote the number of values of type *a* as |a|, and
> similarly |b|. If we construct the sum type *Result a b* then there are
> |a| values for the Err case and |b| values for the Ok case. So |Result a b|
> = |a| + |b|, hence sum types. For the pair (a, b) we can pick any *a* and
> any *b* so |(a,b)| = |a|*|b|, hence produce types.
> If you want to produce (create) a value of sum type, such as *Result a b*,
> you can pick either case to work with. But when you consume (inspect) a
> value of that type, you must be prepared to handle all cases. For product
> types it is reversed: to produce a value of type (a,b) you must have both
> an *a* and a *b*, but when you consume such a value, you can pick out the
> one you want.
> So, while I appreciate the gesture, I don't think this will work.
> --
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