Hey folks!

This is in reference to https://github.com/elm-lang/core/issues/805

I'm looking for a function to convert a String to an internal symbol 
(signature `String -> a`). Previously this was in `Text.fromString` but 
apparently that has been removed.

The use-case I have in mind is this router:

locationUpdate : Navigation.Location -> App.Msg
locationUpdate location =
  case (String.dropLeft 2 location.hash) of

    "ViewDocList" -> ViewState ViewDocList

    "ViewDocument" -> ViewState ViewDocument

    _ -> App.NoOp

    -- Would rather code this as:
    -- case Text.fromString msg of
    --   Just value -> ViewState value
    --   Nothing    -> App.NoOp

In Haskell this would be `read`:

Prelude> read "4.5" :: Float
Prelude> :t read "4.5" :: Float
read "4.5" :: Float :: Float

Any ideas on when this might come back?


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