But that if statement would only go around something doing integer
division, where the divisor could be zero. What you're suggesting would be
required for at least all integer division, and potentially a pattern for
other integer operations. That's a huge impact.

On Feb 18, 2017 7:06 PM, "'Rupert Smith' via Elm Discuss" <
elm-discuss@googlegroups.com> wrote:

On Saturday, February 18, 2017 at 11:23:01 PM UTC, Alex Barry wrote:
> I think for integer division, it has to return 0 because infinity is
> expressed as a float. I'm going to agree with Erkal, though, you definitely
> don't want to wrap all your math statements in a maybe or result type, that
> would make most code considerably more verbose.

But to use it safely you have to wrap it in a check for zero anyway

if divisor == 0 then
  val // divisor

Which is equally complex as:

case (a // b) of
  Integer val -> val
  DivideByZero -> ...

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