You can try different decoders or provide a default value by using 

Say that sometimes the "ingredients" field is missing or invalid, in which 
case you want to return an empty list:

beerDecoder =
  map4 Beer
    (field "title" string)
    (field "beer_type" string)
    (field "description" string)
    (oneOf [ field "ingredients" (list string), succeed [] ])

Or maybe sometimes it yields a string and sometimes a list:

field "ingredients" (oneOf [ list string, map (\x -> [x]) string) ])

Or maybe sometimes the whole data is garbage:

actualBeerDecoder =
  oneOf [ beerDecoder, succeed (Beer "foo" "bar" "qux" [ "baz" ]) ]

In this case though you should use Decode.maybe and return a "List (Maybe 
Beer)", and filter all the "Nothing" values like Joey said. Do not return 
empty strings or empty records, that's what Maybe is for.

A more complex example from an API I'm using:

imageList : Decoder (List Url)
imageList =
    [ map (\x -> [x]) <| at [ "meta_single_page", "original_image_url" ] 
    , field "meta_pages" <| list <| at [ "image_urls", "original" ] string

Sometimes it yields just one image in the "meta_single_page" field, 
sometimes a list of images in the "meta_pages" field.

To avoid having to deal with that later, I try the decoder for the single 
image (and putting the result in a list, because I'm returning a list), and 
if it fails I fall back to the decoder for the list of images.

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