One trick I have learned when integrating date range picker is that you can
push data from component to Elm using custom HTML events instead of sending
data through a port(s).
I have described it shortly here:

input [ class "form-control date-range" , value <| formatMaybeDuration
item.duration , onDateRangePicker DurationChanged *-- see demo for details*
] []

Witold Szczerba

On Fri, Feb 24, 2017 at 4:30 PM, Josh Szmajda <> wrote:

> I'm working with, integration has been
> pretty alright.. Still very much in the figuring things out stage for my
> app but here are some key snippets:
> Ports:
> ```
> port startEditor : (String, String, String) -> Cmd msg
> port stopEditor : String -> Cmd msg
> port editorChanges : (String -> msg) -> Sub msg
> port selectionChange : (Selection -> msg) -> Sub msg
> ```
> Selection:
> ```
> type alias Selection =
>   { text : String
>   , t : Float
>   , r : Float
>   , b : Float
>   , l : Float
>   }
> ```
> WYSIHtml View:
> ```
> module Wysihtml.View exposing (wysiToolbar, wysiEditor)
> import Html exposing (..)
> import Html.Attributes exposing (id, attribute, class)
> wysiToolbar : a -> Html a
> wysiToolbar msg =
>   div [ id "wysi-toolbar" ]
>     [ a [ class "bold", command msg "bold" ] [ text "B" ]
>     , a [ class "italic", command msg "italic" ] [ text "I" ]
>     , a [ class "h1", command msg "formatBlock", commandValue msg "h1" ] [
> text "H1" ]
>     , a [ class "p", command msg "formatBlock", commandValue msg "p" ] [
> text "P" ]
>     , a [ class "ul", command msg "inserUnorderedList" ] [ text "list" ]
>     ]
> wysiEditor : a -> Html a
> wysiEditor msg =
>   div [ id "wysi-editor", dataPlaceholder msg "Start editing" ] []
> dataPlaceholder : a -> String -> Attribute a
> dataPlaceholder msg data =
>   attribute "data-placeholder" data
> command : a -> String -> Attribute a
> command msg command =
>   attribute "data-wysihtml5-command" command
> commandValue : a -> String -> Attribute a
> commandValue msg value =
>   attribute "data-wysihtml5-command-value" value
> ```
> index.html wiring:
> ```
> app.ports.startEditor.subscribe(function(){
>   var editor = arguments[0][0];
>   var toolbar = arguments[0][1];
>   var initialText = arguments[0][2];
>   // todo change setTimeout to MutationObserver
>   setTimeout(function(){
>     console.log('start editor');
>     window.x_editor = new wysihtml5.Editor(editor, {
>       toolbar: toolbar,
>       parserRules:  wysihtml5ParserRules
>     });
>     window.x_editor.setValue(initialText, true);
>     window.x_editor.on('interaction', function(){
>       app.ports.editorChanges.send(x_editor.getValue());
>     });
>   }, 60);
> });
> document.addEventListener("selectionchange", function(){
>   console.log("selection changed, sending to elm");
>   selection = window.getSelection();
>   if(!selection.isCollapsed){
>     for(var i = 0; i < selection.rangeCount; i++) {
>       range = selection.getRangeAt(i);
>       rect = range.getBoundingClientRect();
>       app.ports.selectionChange.send({ text: selection.toString(), t:
>, r: rect.right, b: rect.bottom, l: rect.left });
>     }
>   }
> });
> ```
> I think that's the meat. Happy to chat more.
> On Friday, February 24, 2017 at 3:38:33 AM UTC-5, Simon wrote:
>> I'm also trying to work with contenteditable. I have a basic system
>> working with pure Elm, in that I can click on a field to edit it and then
>> click elsewhere with blur causing an update of the model. But the challenge
>> I face is detecting an enter key and using that save the updated value and
>> blur the current field. I seem to be getting some virtual DOM issues.
>> Anyway I have an Ellie at and if
>> anyone can help, I'd love to know
>> Simon
>> On Tuesday, 27 September 2016 16:35:04 UTC+2, Girish Sonawane wrote:
>>> Instead of onChange, you can try using Events.on http://package.elm-l
>>> On Tuesday, August 30, 2016 at 3:16:12 PM UTC+5:30, Peter Damoc wrote:
>>>> I've tried a naive implementation in Elm but, for some reason, it
>>>> doesn't work (events are not fired for divs that have content editable)
>>>> import Html exposing (..)
>>>> import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
>>>> import Html.App exposing (beginnerProgram)
>>>> import Html.Events exposing (on)
>>>> import Json.Encode as JE
>>>> import Json.Decode as JD exposing ((:=))
>>>> main =
>>>>   beginnerProgram { model = "", view = view, update = update }
>>>> onContent tagger =
>>>>   on "input" ( tagger ("innerHTML" := JD.string))
>>>> view model =
>>>>   div []
>>>>     [ div [property "innerHTML" (JE.string model), onContent OnChange,
>>>> contenteditable True][]
>>>>     ]
>>>> type Msg = OnChange String
>>>> update msg model =
>>>>   case (Debug.log "msg:" msg) of
>>>>     OnChange str -> str
>>>> On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 12:03 PM, Vincent Jousse <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> I'm writing an application where the user needs to edit some HTML
>>>>> content. When I first wrote this application in JS, I was using some
>>>>> contenteditable fields to do so.
>>>>> How should I handle this with Elm? My problem is that if I set a div
>>>>> with contenteditable=true in elm, and that the content of this div depends
>>>>> on my model state, when an user edits the HTML, my model is now out of 
>>>>> sync.
>>>>> Maybe getting the innerHTML field when the user is changing the
>>>>> content of the div and set this to a field in my model? But how would I do
>>>>> to convert this string back to some Html.div/Html.span/whatever code in 
>>>>> Elm?
>>>>> The tricky part is that I need to handle events on spans that are in
>>>>> the div with contenteditable=true.
>>>>> I tried to do it using Ports and Draft-js but the problem is that I
>>>>> now have 2 states in my application: one in Elm and one in JS/React. Then,
>>>>> all the beauty of "my application just depends on my Elm model state" is
>>>>> not true anymore, as I know need to sync the 2 states…
>>>>> Not sure if I'm really clear, but thanks for reading this anyway ;-)
>>>>> --
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