For the second point you could do "Task.process (always GetAcc) <| 
Task.succeed ()" or "Task.perform identity <| Task.succeed GetAcc".

Op zaterdag 25 februari 2017 21:12:26 UTC+1 schreef Tomasz Primke:
> I use Elm 0.18.
> I have written the following, simple Elm program. It is supposed to
> accumulate values, sent from JS. I'd also like to get the accumulated
> value from the program, back to JS.
>     port module App exposing (..)
>     import Json.Decode
>     import Task
>     -- model
>     type alias Model =
>       { acc : Int
>       }
>     addNumber : Int -> Model -> Model
>     addNumber n model =
>       { model | acc = model.acc + n }
>     init : (Model, Cmd Msg)
>     init =
>       (Model 0, Cmd.none)
>     -- update
>     type Msg
>       = GetAcc ()
>       | AddNumber Int
>     port toJS : Int -> Cmd msg
>     update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
>     update msg model =
>       case msg of
>         GetAcc ->
>           (model, toJS model.acc)
>         AddNumber n ->
>           (addNumber n model, Task.perform GetAcc <| Task.succeed ())
>     -- subscriptions
>     port fromJS : (Int -> msg) -> Sub msg
>     subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
>     subscriptions model =
>       fromJS AddNumber
>     -- main
>     main =
>       Platform.program { init = init,
>                          update = update,
>                          subscriptions = subscriptions }
> There are two problems with the code:
> 1) Without the `import Json.Decode`, the code is compiled, yet I get
> the `ReferenceError: _elm_lang$core$Json_Decode$int is not defined`
> error after loading the result JS file,
> It's similar to this issue:
> Is it an Elm bug?
> 2) The message type is defined as follows:
>     type Msg
>       = GetAcc ()
>       | AddNumber Int
> With such a definition, I can create a command to get the accumulator
> value using the `Task` module functions:
>    Task.process GetAcc <| Task.succeed ()
> Is it possible to create command for the following Msg definition:
>     type Msg
>       = GetAcc
>       | AddNumber Int
> In this case, `GetAcc` has a type of `Msg`, while in my code, its type
> is `() -> Msg`, which was needed for the function `Task.process`.

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