On Tuesday, February 28, 2017 at 10:54:56 PM UTC, Witold Szczerba wrote:
> I have used MutationObserver, so in Elm all I have to do is to add a 
> specific class and custom event handler, so there is no need to track it by 
> "id". The mutation observer is attached at the top node of the Elm app. 
> This works OK so far.

When looking for nodes that have may have been resized, I found it helpful 
just to scan from the top of the document for the 'watch-resize' class. 
This is because the mutation may occur nested within some div that I am 
interested in. The div is not in 'addedNodes' on the mutation, and it isn't 
always the 'target' either, sometimes its the parent of the target, 
sometimes the parent.parent and so on.

        const topElement = document.getElementById("jtrial");

        const observer = new MutationObserver(mutations => {
          mutations.forEach(mutation => {
            $(topElement).find('.watch-resize').each(function () {
              console.log("found node with .watch-resize class.");

              var result = {
                  id: $(this).context.id,
                  height: $(this).context.clientHeight,
                  width: $(this).context.clientWidth


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