On Fri, Mar 3, 2017 at 4:38 PM, Brian Hicks <br...@brianthicks.com> wrote:

> It makes sense (at least to me) that this isn't supported. Elm has a much
> different type system than JavaScript.

I respectfully disagree.
It makes sense to focus on other issues that are more important BUT, people
are having enough troubles with boilerplate introduced by decoders that
this could easily be considered a priority.
The fact that Elm and JS have vastly different type systems is irrelevant.
JS wanting to talk with Elm through ports could conceivably use the proper
encoding or some kind of help functions that would create the proper types.

It makes very little sense to force programmers to write code about
something that the compiler already knows.
Sure, keep the encoding and decoding libraries for situations when custom
processing is required BUT, if the marshaling process can be automated, it
should be automated.

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