What error are you getting? It looks like you're asking Elm to decode a player 
when you know you're not going to be getting one.

> On Mar 6, 2017, at 12:19 AM, Long Nguyen <lnguye...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have the following helper functions to trigger the DELETE request of a 
> resource.
> deletePlayer : Player -> Cmd Msg
> deletePlayer player =
>     restRequest (hostUrl ++ "/players/" ++ (toString player.id))
>         (playerEncode player)
>         playerDecoder
>         DELETE
>         |> Http.send (PlayerMsg_ << OnDeletePlayer)
> restRequest : String -> JE.Value -> JD.Decoder a -> HTTPMethod -> 
> Http.Request a
> restRequest url encode decoder method =
>     Http.request
>         { body = encode |> Http.jsonBody
>         , expect = Http.expectJson decoder
>         , headers = []
>         , method = toString method
>         , timeout = Nothing
>         , url = url
>         , withCredentials = False
>         }
> And in my Update method I have the following code.
> case msg of
>         ....
>         DeletePlayer id ->
>             let
>                 maybePlayer =
>                     playersModel.players
>                         |> List.filter (\player -> player.id == id)
>                         |> List.head
>             in
>                 case maybePlayer of
>                     Just player ->
>                             ( { playersModel | idToDelete = player.id }
>                             , API.deletePlayer player )
>                     Nothing ->
>                         ( playersModel, Cmd.none )
>         OnDeletePlayer (Ok deletedPlayer) ->
>             Debug.log ("Ok")
>                 ( playersModel, Cmd.none)
>         OnDeletePlayer (Err error) ->
>             Debug.log ("Error")
>                 ( playersModel, Cmd.none )
> The HTTP request got executed, and the resource gets deleted; however, the 
> problem is that Elm always trigger the "OnDeletePlayer (Err error)" branch of 
> the Update function. I'm using JSON Server, and after the request is 
> executed, the response body is "{}" with 200 as Status Code.
> Please help me in structuring my Http.request so that the "OnDeletePlayer (Ok 
> deletedPlayer)" branch gets executed upon success.
> Much appreciated!
> -- 
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