On Friday, March 10, 2017 at 10:44:01 PM UTC, Brian Marick wrote:
> I’m four chapters into a book that covers Elm, Purescript, and possibly 
> Idris. It’s to be a book with several significant differences from the 
> usual introduction to a statically typed FP language. One is that I’d like 
> to include lots of idioms and patterns (in the original sense, not the 
> “code examples to copy and tweak” sense). 
> Three requests: 
> 1. I have a chapter on `Maybe` that treats it as a type with several 
> idioms around it. Does the chapter make sense to you more experienced Elm 
> programmers? 

Makes sense for Maybe to have its own chapter. Possible also discuss Result 
in the same chapter? as they both are ways of defining computations that 
may fail.


> 2. Do you have other idioms - for Maybe or for anything else - that you’d 
> like to see included? 
> 3. Finally: I’ve written four books. They’re a lot of work, especially the 
> way I write them (which is to learn while I’m writing.) Do you think this 
> book is worthwhile? If so, there’s a bit on the Leanpub landing page that 
> lets you declare how much you’d pay for it. 
> The landing page for the book: https://leanpub.com/outsidefp There’s a 
> link to the four pages (“free sample”) just below the blurb. 

How about "Statically Typed FP for the Working Programmer" as a title? 
Richard Feldman's upcoming Elm book inevitably dedicates space to 
introducing Elm and the practicalities of getting a newb started with it. I 
think your book idea might work and not having to sacrifice space to that 
noble task, could instead contain lots of code patterns - could be good.

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