I have only recently begun immersing myself in Elm and have run into this 
quite early.

Here's what I want to do and it seems very reasonable: 

type alias Model =
    { signup : Signup

type alias Signup =
    { email : { text : String, errors : String }
    , password : { text : String, errors : String }
ValidateSignup ->
              ( emailErrors, passwordErrors ) = getSignupErrors model 
            ( { model | signup.email.errors = emailErrors, 
signup.password.errors = passwordErrors }, Cmd.none)

Here's the best I've been able to come up with

type alias Model =
    { signup : Signup

type alias Signup =
    { email : ValidatableString
    , password : ValidatableString

type alias ValidatableString = 
    { text : String, 
    errors : String 

        ValidateSignup ->
                ( emailErrors, passwordErrors ) = getSignupErrors model 
                emailUpdate = ValidatableString model.signup.email.text 
                passwordUpdate = ValidatableString 
model.signup.password.text passwordErrors
                signupUpdate = Signup emailUpdate passwordUpdate
            ( { model | signup = signupUpdate } , Cmd.none)
Please tell me I'm just missing something at this point, or advice for best 
practice would be very welcome.

On Friday, 3 March 2017 19:12:39 UTC+13, Richard Feldman wrote:
> There have been various discussions of potential ways to improve Elm's 
> record update syntax. Evan commented that "(examples > design work) at this 
> point" - any potential designs for syntax improvements would need to be run 
> through a gauntlet of examples to see how well they'd work, so the first 
> step in the process is to gather those examples.
> So let's collect a ton of different real-world examples! That will help 
> guide the design process.
> If you've run into a record update that you felt was painful and could be 
> improved in some way, please post it here! (Also, *please keep this 
> thread for posting of examples* *only* - it'll be easier to link back 
> here during design discussions if we can reference a clean thread of 
> examples, as opposed to a mismash of examples interleaved with suggestions.)

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