
this is what you said about composing update functions:

> I'll reiterate that thinking about application organization as "composing 
> TEA-shaped units" is neither officially recommended nor what Elm is 
> designed for...


> > How do you propose to split the functionality one has in a highly 
> complex app with a lot of pages without using those triplets?
> I don't haha...I just defended their use a few posts ago, complete with 
> the specific example of the reusable signup form.

>    1. Later 
>    <> I 
>    pointed out an example of when it would be useful to use and 
> to make a reusable signup form, and for that use case it 
>    happened to make sense to have a separate model, view, and update.
> *I'll use your own words:*

> this level of doublespeak is really uncool

I thought I've understood this but I'm more and more confused by what 
you're saying:  

> Crucially, between 0.16 and today, *we learned that a Model-View-Update 
> triplet is the wrong unit of composition for Elm applications.*

repeating one more time:

>    1. Earlier 
>    <> I 
>    said "between 0.16 and today, *we learned that a Model-View-Update 
>    triplet is the wrong unit of composition for Elm applications...composing 
>    individual functions* was both simpler and consistently led to a much 
>    better experience. I've laid out my advice for specifically how to do that 
>    here 
> <>
>    ."
> Well 0.16 -> 0.17 is switch from Effects to Html.program with pure 
individual functions init, update, subscribe, view. Going back to my first 
quote of you. And changing words "TEA-shaped units" with "individual 
functions" we get:  I'll reiterate that thinking about application 
organization as *individual functions* is neither officially recommended 
nor what Elm is designed for...

My point that there's a simple way to scale Elm applications by abstracting 
> at the function level has gone uncontested for awhile in this thread

It did indeed... init update and subscribe are actually function. Looks 
like I still miss something. Are you trying to say that is not 
function or what? 
*I'll use your own words:*

> this level of doublespeak is really uncool

on different topic:

 many of us have tried this, and found that composing individual functions 
> was both simpler and consistently led to a much better experience.

Not even pointing out all nonsense: I just don't see any of them here 
<!topic/elm-discuss/WDDrFq-uP58> just yet. 
I hope they will shop up. Please don't start sending links to same Reddit 
thread once again.

I hope you don't think anyone will actually comment this one at all:

I've seen agile teams that could generate lots of small changes but when 
> faced with needing to do something big found themselves profoundly stuck.
> In Elm?

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