> *I have not seen the reverse happening.*

I usually try not to get involved in long threads like this nowadays, but I 
feel obligated to quickly mention that we were also recently pretty happy 
with a recent refactor that reduced the boilerplate in an internal 
documentation page. (We haven't published this as a package, we're still 
building some experience with it and mostly using the inverted control that 
folks generally recommend).

doc =
        (SourceEditor.Form.component (SourceEditor.configure 
        (PartEditor.Form.component Example.partEditorConfig)
        (\symbol footprint packageOverlay sourceEditor partEditor 
consignEditor ->
            docBody []
                [ div []
                    [ docSection "components"
                        [ docSubSection "symbol" "Symbol" [ symbol ]
                        , docSubSection "footprint" "Footprint" [ footprint 
                        , docSubSection "packageoverlay" "PackageOverlay" [ 
packageOverlay ]
                        , docSubSection "sourceeditor" "SourceEditor" [ 
sourceEditor ]
                        , docSubSection "parteditor" "PartEditor" [ 
partEditor ]
                        , docSubSection "consigneditor" "ConsignEditor" [ 
consignEditor ]

main =
        { init =
                ( force Example.symbol
                , force Example.footprintFlags
                , force Example.packageOverlayFlags
                , force Example.sourceEditor
                , force Example.partEditor
                , {}
        , subscriptions = doc.subscriptions
        , update = doc.update
        , view = doc.view

This was a fantastic reduction from the previous boilerplate and I'm really 
pretty happy with how it turned out (but I don't want to hold this 
particular example up as canonical, this is still an experimental approach 
with its own caveats, like any other architecture).

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