This is the first time I've posted to the community. I chose this group 
over Slack or Reddit, so please nudge me if this problem would be better 
suited in one of the other communities.

Basically, I'm noticing an inconsistency in the text value displayed in one 
of my text boxes. It is based on the type in the text box that follows it. 
I've got it down to the simplest example I could find, which demonstrates 
the error on

Here is the code:

import Html exposing (Html, p, div, text, input, beginnerProgram)
import Html.Attributes exposing (type_, value)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)

main =
    beginnerProgram { model = { on = False }, view = view, update = update }

type alias Model =
    { on : Bool }
type Msg
    = Toggle

update msg model =
    { model | on = not model.on }

view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
    div [] <| p [] [ text "On: ", input [ type_ "checkbox", onClick Toggle 
] []]
        :: (if model.on then
                [ p [] [ text "Foo: ", input [ value "foo" ] [] ] ]
        ++ [ p [] [ text "Bar: ", input [ value "10.0"{-, type_ "number"-} 
] [] ] ]

If the code is executed as shown, you will see a checkbox. When the box is 
checked, a new input box appears and has the default value "foo" inside 
it. But, if you include the commented code (in red), then the default value 
"foo" is not shown when the box is checked. This is very odd since the 
commented code is for a completely different text box.

I'm happy to use a workaround, if anyone knows one, but so far I haven't 
come across anything. Any thoughts are welcome.


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