Hi Casper,

Just force an empty value when the age is 0
Like this:

On Fri, Jun 23, 2017 at 12:08 PM, Casper Bollen <hal...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I wrote a small program as a newbie project in Elm: https://ellie-app.com/
> 3ynWqjPcP87a1/0.
> In this program I calculate the correct input field according to the value
> in the model:
> view : Model -> Html Msg
> view model =
>     let
>         toInput attrs =
>             input attrs []
>         ageInput =
>             let
>                 attrs =
>                     if model.age == 0 then
>                         [ name "age", type_ "number", placeholder "Leeftijd 
> in jaren" ]
>                     else
>                         [ name "age", type_ "number", value (toString 
> model.age) ]
>                 _ =
>                     Debug.log "Attrs" attrs
>             in
>                 attrs
>                     |> List.append [ onInput Update ]
>                     |> toInput
>     in
>         div [ style [ ( "margin", "100px" ) ] ]
>             [ div [] [ text "Voer een leeftijd in" ]
>             , ageInput
>             , button [ onClick Calculate ] [ text "Bereken" ]
>             , div [] [ text ("Gewicht: " ++ toString (model.weight) ++ " kg") 
> ]
>             ]
> However, if you count up and then down to zero, the input field is
> rendered correctly showing the placeholder when age = 0. But when you count
> down to negative values, the negative values are shown, although the
> model.age value = 0.
> Furthermore, the Debug.log "Attrs" is never shown in the debug view.
> What am I doing wrong?
> --
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