You cannot do like that in the middle of pipeline, but instead you can use `
make a new parser based on the previous value you parsed.

For example, you can pass `states` value to parse `acceptStates` like this. 
(Simplified a lot, not tested)

dfaParser : Parser.Parser DFA
dfaParser =
    |> andThen (\states ->
      succeed (DFA states)
        |= alphabetParser
        |= acceptStateParser states
        |= ...

You can also make a recursive parser and pass the intermediate state to the 
later parser.

deltaListParser : Context -> Parser.Parser (List Delta)
deltaListParser context =
    [ deltaParser
        |> andThen (\delta ->
           if checkDuplication delta context then
             deltaListParser (updateContext delta context)
               |> map (\rest -> delta :: rest)
             fail "found duplicated values"
    , succeed []
deltaParser : Parser.Parser Delta

That said, I don't think validation is necessary during the parsing 
process. You can check it after everything is parsed. That is much simpler.

2017年8月2日水曜日 12時17分57秒 UTC+9 Dave Doty:
> The elm-tools/parser documentation recommends using parsing pipelines such 
> as 
> type alias Point = { x : Float, y : Float}
> point : Parser Pointpoint =
>   succeed Point
>     |. symbol "("
>     |. spaces
>     |= float
>     |. spaces
>     |. symbol ","
>     |. spaces
>     |= float
>     |. spaces
>     |. symbol ")"
> spaces : Parser ()spaces =
>   ignore zeroOrMore (\c -> c == ' ')
> I am parsing text in this way, but it is much longer than just two floats. 
> The high-level parser parses text with five major parts in order 
> (describing portions of a finite automaton) and it looks like this (and 
> uses five "subroutine" parsers that I've not shown):
> type alias State = String
> type alias DFATransition = State -> Char -> Result String State
> type alias DFA =
>     { states : List State
>     , inputAlphabet : List Char
>     , startState : State
>     , acceptStates : List State
>     , delta : DFATransition
>     }
> dfaParser : Parser.Parser DFA
> dfaParser =
>     Parser.succeed DFA
>         |. spaces
>         |. Parser.keyword "states:"
>         |. spaces
>         |= statesParser
>         |. spaces
>         |. Parser.keyword "input_alphabet:"
>         |. spaces
>         |= alphabetParser
>         |. spaces
>         |. Parser.keyword "start_state:"
>         |. spaces
>         |= startStateParser
>         |. spaces
>         |. Parser.keyword "accept_states:"
>         |. spaces
>         |= statesParser
>         |. spaces
>         |. Parser.keyword "delta:"
>         |. spaces
>         |= deltaParser
>         |. spaces
> to parse text such as, for instance, 
> """
> states:          {q,q0,q00,q000}
> input_alphabet:  {0,1}
> start_state:     q
> accept_states:   {q,q0,q00}
> delta:
> q,1    -> q
> q0,1   -> q
> q00,1  -> q
> q000,1 -> q
> q,0    -> q0
> q0,0   -> q00
> q00,0  -> q000
> q000,0 -> q000
> """
> Here's what I want to do: insert code in the middle of the pipeline that 
> can reference the data that has been parsed so far.
> For example, after this portion of the pipeline has succeeded: 
> dfaParser =
>     Parser.succeed DFA
>         |. spaces
>         |. Parser.keyword "states:"
>         |. spaces
>         |= statesParser
>         |. spaces
>         |. Parser.keyword "input_alphabet:"
>         |. spaces
>         |= alphabetParser
>         ...
> then the data for states and alphabet have been successfully parsed into 
> two Lists. I would like to access those lists by name, later down the 
> pipeline. 
> One reason is that I would like to pass those lists as input to subsequent 
> parsers (startStateParser, acceptStatesParser, and deltaParser), to help 
> them do error-checking. 
> For example, the next thing parsed is a String parsed by startStateParser, 
> and I want to ensure that the parsed String is an element of the List 
> parsed by statesParser. But at the time I put the line |= startStateParser 
> in the pipeline, the parsed result of statesParser doesn't have a name 
> that I can refer to.
> Another reason is that I want to do error-checking in the middle of a 
> pipeline. For example, my implementation of deltaParser reads the lines 
> such as "q,0 -> q0" and "q0,1 -> q" one at a time, and I would like to 
> access data parsed by previous lines when looking for errors on the current 
> line. (For example, it is an error to have duplicates on the left side of 
> -> such as the line "q,1 -> q" followed later by "q,1 -> q0", but to 
> indicate this error and reference the correct line number, I need access to 
> the lines parsed so far as I am processing the line with the error.)
> I get the feeling that perhaps I'm structuring this incorrectly, so I 
> welcome advice on a better way to structure the parser.

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