On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 2:23 PM, Dag Wieers <d...@wieers.com> wrote:

> I am not in favor of renaming the packages to kernel-lts (or anything but
> kernel-ml). For all practical purposes, sticking to one name, but offering
> (sub)repositories for the different versions offers everything.
> So I would propose this:
>   kernel-ml/
>   kernel-ml/repodata/
>   kernel-ml/3.0/
>   kernel-ml/3.0/repodata/
>   kernel-ml/3.8/
>   kernel-ml/3.8/repodata/
> You can select the specific version you want to hook into, either the parent
> directory if you prefer to stick with the latest, or one of the major
> version repositories.

I am trying to understand this concept of "sub-repositories". Using
the above example, Elrepo will be offering new repositories named
"kernel-ml-3.0" and "kernel-ml-3.8" ? When a user wants to install a
3.0.x kernel, he will run:

yum --enablerepo=kernel-ml-3.0 install kernel-ml

And when a new major version appears, it will be added as, say,
"kernel-ml-3.9" and the elrepo-release package is updated to
accommodate the new repository.

Is this description correct?

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