On 02/01/13 05:11, Steve Cleveland wrote:
I've just built and released the 304xx legacy packages for both el5 and
el6 to their respective testing repositories (based on the 304.64
release). They should show up on the mirrors shortly.

I've not yet tested these packages. I would suggest that one uninstalls
kmod-nvidia and then installs kmod-nvidia-304xx. The corresponding X11
driver packages are named nvidia-x11-drv-304xx in line with previous
legacy releases.

Please test and let me know if you hit any issues. I'll try to test them
later today myself.

Thanks for all of the hard work. I've tested the packages on an el5 and
an el6 host. Seems to work fine.

- Steve

Just a quick note to say kmod-nvidia-304xx and nvidia-x11-drv-304xx legacy packages have now been released to the main repositories for both el5 and el6.

These packages support 6xxx and 7xxx based graphics cards.



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