Hi, first of all my compliments for the excellent work Markus and all people 
who work on the project have achieved!
As a long time owner of Pinnacle 330e I 
actually despaired of using it ... but I knew inside me (very deeply inside ;-) 
) it was a question of time (everybody has a private life too! ).
I have some difficoulties understanding the sequence of 
compiling/dependencies/procedures for the correct usage of this driver (I got 
lost between emails, I confess)... Could somebody point me to some detailed 
howto (comprehensive of analogue and digital tv)? There is too much confusion 
over the net.
It would be also great to include the debian building rules into 
source... I read that Manuel Barraud has successfully compiled some debs for 
ubuntu, but I personally believe that in cases such as these (when improvements 
to the code happen frequently), to have the possibility of creating fresh 
packages out of the latest release would be preferrable to precompiled ones 
(dependent on specific library versions or achitecture flavours).
Of course, 
that is an opinion ... and not a very learned one at that!
Thanks a lot again 
for your invaluable effort,

Matteo Artuso

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