Stefan Monnier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> Attached you will find a new icon for Emacs.  This is just an idea, so
> Not to be picky or anything (ahem), but really how did you end up deciding
> to send those icons in the form of a tar.gz attachment rather than just
> a few image attachment (which could then be readily viewed directly in any
> normal MIME reader)?
> And how did your tar.gz bundle end up labelled as application/x-php?

  Hehe, not to mention that this is not a gunzip'ed file but just
  a tar ;-)

  Whatever! I really like these icons :-)

    Michael Cadilhac, a.k.a. Micha [mika] |
                    Epita/LRDE promo 2007 |  Please note that you should
  2 rue de la Convention | |  s/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/@/ my mail 
94270 Le Kremlin Bicetre | |

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