branch: externals/llm
commit c81b44943b2bfeac5114566ab5ad66640bad1e3e
Author: Leo Gaskin <>
Commit: GitHub <>

    Unvendor plz-event-source and plz-media-type (#87)
    This PR aims to unvendor plz-event-source and plz-media-type. According
    to <>, this
    should not cause any problems.
    I chose to define `0.1.0` as the minimum required versions, because the
    vendored packages are seemingly older, and it seems like established
    Elisp practice is to specify the "lowest version that is expected to
    reasonably function".
 llm.el              |   2 +-
 plz-event-source.el | 485 ----------------------------------
 plz-media-type.el   | 728 ----------------------------------------------------
 3 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 1214 deletions(-)

diff --git a/llm.el b/llm.el
index 16c16baa90..0de9c695d2 100644
--- a/llm.el
+++ b/llm.el
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 ;; Author: Andrew Hyatt <>
 ;; Homepage:
-;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "28.1") (plz "0.8"))
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "28.1") (plz "0.8") (plz-event-source "0.1.1") 
(plz-media-type "0.2.1"))
 ;; Package-Version: 0.17.4
 ;; SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
diff --git a/plz-event-source.el b/plz-event-source.el
deleted file mode 100644
index f5268fb4ff..0000000000
--- a/plz-event-source.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,485 +0,0 @@
-;;; plz-event-source.el --- Plz Event Source -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2019-2023  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-;; Author: r0man <>
-;; Maintainer: r0man <>
-;; URL:
-;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
-;; It is temporarily vendored within the llm library.  Please DO NOT
-;; depend on it!  It is subject to change.  Once we think this package
-;; is stable, we will release it to GNU ELPA.  If no serious issues
-;; are found, we plan to do this in Q4 of 2024.
-;;; License:
-;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-;; (at your option) any later version.
-;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-;;; Commentary:
-;; This library provides a parser and an event source implementation
-;; for the Server Sent Event (SSE) protocol.
-;; See:
-;;; Code:
-(require 'cl-lib)
-(require 'eieio)
-(require 'plz)
-(require 'plz-media-type)
-(require 'rx)
-;; Event
-(defclass plz-event-source-event ()
-  ((data
-    :accessor plz-event-source-event-data
-    :initarg :data
-    :initform nil
-    :documentation "The event data.")
-   (last-event-id
-    :accessor plz-event-source-event-last-event-id
-    :initarg :last-event-id
-    :initform nil
-    :documentation "The last event id."
-    :type (or null string))
-   (origin
-    :accessor plz-event-source-event-origin
-    :initarg :origin
-    :initform nil
-    :documentation "The event origin."
-    :type (or null string))
-   (type
-    :accessor plz-event-source-event-type
-    :initarg :type
-    :initform 'message
-    :documentation "The event type."
-    :type symbol))
-  "The server sent event class.")
-;; Parser
-(defclass plz-event-source-parser ()
-  ((buffer
-    :documentation "The name of the buffer to read events from."
-    :initarg :buffer
-    :type string)
-   (events
-    :initarg :events
-    :initform nil
-    :documentation "The queue of events to dispatch."
-    :type (list-of plz-event-source-event))
-   (data-buffer
-    :initarg :data-buffer
-    :initform ""
-    :documentation "Data buffer."
-    :type string)
-   (event-type-buffer
-    :initarg :event-type-buffer
-    :initform ""
-    :documentation "Event type buffer."
-    :type string)
-   (last-event-id
-    :initarg :last-event-id
-    :initform ""
-    :documentation "Last event id."
-    :type string)
-   (last-event-id-buffer
-    :initarg :last-event-id-buffer
-    :initform ""
-    :documentation "Last event id buffer."
-    :type string)
-   (position
-    :initarg :position
-    :initform 0
-    :type integer
-    :documentation "The position in the buffer."
-    :type integer))
-  "The server sent event stream parser.")
-(defconst plz-event-source-parser--end-of-line-regexp
-  (rx (or "\r\n" "\n" "\r"))
-  "Regular expression matching the end of a line.")
-(defconst plz-event-source-parser--line-regexp
-  (rx (* not-newline) (or "\r\n" "\n" "\r"))
-  "Regular expression matching a line of the event source stream.")
-(defun plz-event-source-parser--parse-bom (line)
-  "Parse the Byte Order Mark (BOM) from LINE."
-  (if (string-prefix-p "\uFEFF" line)
-      (substring line 1)
-    line))
-(defun plz-event-source-parser--looking-at-line-p ()
-  "Return non-nil if the current line matches the event source line regexp."
-  (looking-at plz-event-source-parser--line-regexp))
-(defun plz-event-source-parser--parse-line ()
-  "Return non-nil if the current line matches the event source line regexp."
-  (when (looking-at plz-event-source-parser--line-regexp)
-    (string-trim-right (delete-and-extract-region (match-beginning 0) 
(match-end 0))
-                       plz-event-source-parser--end-of-line-regexp)))
-(defun plz-event-source-parser--dispatch-event (parser)
-  "Dispatch an event from PARSER to registered listeners."
-  (with-slots (data-buffer event-type-buffer events last-event-id 
last-event-id-buffer) parser
-    (setf last-event-id last-event-id-buffer)
-    (if (string-empty-p data-buffer)
-        (setf data-buffer ""
-              event-type-buffer "")
-      (progn
-        (setf data-buffer (string-trim-right data-buffer "\n"))
-        (let ((event (plz-event-source-event
-                      :data data-buffer
-                      :last-event-id (unless (string-blank-p last-event-id)
-                                       last-event-id)
-                      :origin (buffer-name)
-                      :type (if (string-blank-p event-type-buffer)
-                                'message
-                              (intern event-type-buffer)))))
-          (setf data-buffer ""
-                event-type-buffer "")
-          (setf events (cons event events))
-          event)))))
-(defun plz-event-source-parser--process-event (parser field value)
-  "Process the FIELD and VALUE from PARSER as a event."
-  (ignore field)
-  (with-slots (event-type-buffer) parser
-    (setf event-type-buffer value)))
-(defun plz-event-source-parser--process-data (parser field value)
-  "Process the FIELD and VALUE from PARSER as data."
-  (ignore field)
-  (with-slots (data-buffer) parser
-    (setf data-buffer (concat data-buffer value "\n"))))
-(defun plz-event-source-parser--process-id (parser field value)
-  "Process the FIELD and VALUE from PARSER as event id."
-  (ignore field)
-  (unless (string-match "\u0000" value)
-    (with-slots (last-event-id-buffer) parser
-      (setf last-event-id-buffer value))))
-(defun plz-event-source--process-field (parser field value)
-  "Process the FIELD and VALUE from PARSER."
-  (cond ((equal "event" field)
-         (plz-event-source-parser--process-event parser field value))
-        ((equal "data" field)
-         (plz-event-source-parser--process-data parser field value))
-        ((equal "id" field)
-         (plz-event-source-parser--process-id parser field value))))
-(defun plz-event-source-parser--process-line (parser line)
-  "Parse a LINE of the event stream PARSER and dispatch events."
-  (cond ((string-prefix-p ":" line))
-        ((string-blank-p line)
-         (plz-event-source-parser--dispatch-event parser))
-        ((string-match ":" line)
-         (let ((field (substring line 0 (match-beginning 0)))
-               (value (substring line (match-end 0))))
-           (plz-event-source--process-field parser field
-                                            (if (string-prefix-p " " value)
-                                                (substring value 1)
-                                              value))))
-        (t (plz-event-source--process-field parser line ""))))
-(defun plz-event-source-parser--insert (parser string)
-  "Insert STRING into the buffer of the event PARSER."
-  (with-slots (buffer events position) parser
-    (with-current-buffer (get-buffer buffer)
-      (insert string)
-      (while (plz-event-source-parser-parse-line parser))
-      events)))
-(defun plz-event-source-parser--end-of-headers ()
-  "Return the end of headers position in the current buffer."
-  (save-excursion
-    (goto-char (point-min))
-    (re-search-forward plz-http-end-of-headers-regexp nil t)
-    (point)))
-(defun plz-event-source-parser-parse-line (parser)
-  "Parse a line from the event stream in the PARSER buffer."
-  (with-slots (buffer position) parser
-    (with-current-buffer buffer
-      (save-excursion
-        (goto-char position)
-        (when-let (line (plz-event-source-parser--parse-line))
-          (setf position (point))
-          (plz-event-source-parser--process-line parser line)
-          line)))))
-(defun plz-event-source-parser-parse (parser)
-  "Parse the event stream in the the PARSER buffer."
-  (with-slots (buffer handlers) parser
-    (with-current-buffer (get-buffer buffer)
-      (goto-char (point-min))
-      (while (not (eobp))
-        (when-let (line (plz-event-source-parser--parse-line))
-          (plz-event-source-parser--process-line parser line))))))
-;; Event Source
-(defclass plz-event-source ()
-  ((errors
-    :initarg :errors
-    :documentation "The errors of the event source.")
-   (handlers
-    :initarg :handlers
-    :initform nil
-    :documentation "Registered event handlers.")
-   (last-event-id
-    :initarg :last-event-id
-    :initform ""
-    :documentation "Last event id.")
-   (options
-    :initarg :options
-    :documentation "The url of the event source."
-    :type list)
-   (ready-state
-    :documentation "The ready state of the event source."
-    :initarg :ready-state
-    :initform 'closed
-    :type (member closed connecting open))
-   (url
-    :initarg :url
-    :documentation "The url of the event source."
-    :type (or null string)))
-  "The server sent event source class.")
-(cl-defgeneric plz-event-source-open (source)
-  "Open the event SOURCE.")
-(cl-defgeneric plz-event-source-close (source)
-  "Close the event SOURCE.")
-(cl-defgeneric plz-event-source--insert (source data)
-  "Insert DATA into the event SOURCE buffer, parse and dispatch events.")
-(defun plz-event-source-add-listener (source type listener)
-  "Add an event LISTENER for event TYPE to the event SOURCE."
-  (with-slots (handlers) source
-    (setf handlers (append handlers (list (cons type listener))))
-    source))
-(defun plz-event-source-remove-listener (source type listener)
-  "Remove an event LISTENER for event TYPE from the event SOURCE."
-  (with-slots (handlers) source
-    (setf handlers (cl-remove-if (lambda (pair)
-                                   (and (eq (car pair) type)
-                                        (eq (cdr pair) listener)))
-                                 handlers))
-    source))
-(defun plz-event-source--dispatch-event (source event)
-  "Dispatch the EVENT to the listeners of event SOURCE."
-  (with-slots (handlers) source
-    (dolist (pair handlers)
-      (when (equal (car pair) (oref event type))
-        (let ((timer (timer-create)))
-          (timer-set-time timer (current-time))
-          (timer-set-function timer
-                              (lambda (handler event)
-                                (with-temp-buffer
-                                  (funcall handler event)))
-                              (list (cdr pair) event))
-          (timer-activate timer))))))
-(defun plz-event-source--dispatch-events (source events)
-  "Dispatch the EVENTS to the listeners of event SOURCE."
-  (dolist (event (reverse events))
-    (plz-event-source--dispatch-event source event)))
-;; Buffer event source
-(defclass plz-event-source-buffer (plz-event-source)
-  ((buffer
-    :initarg :buffer
-    :documentation "The event source buffer."
-    :type string)
-   (parser
-    :initarg :parser
-    :documentation "The event source parser."
-    :type (or null plz-event-source-parser)))
-  "A server sent event source using curl for HTTP.")
-(cl-defmethod plz-event-source--insert ((source plz-event-source-buffer) data)
-  "Insert DATA into the event SOURCE buffer, parse and dispatch events."
-  (with-slots (parser) source
-    (plz-event-source-parser--insert parser data)
-    (with-slots (events) parser
-      (plz-event-source--dispatch-events source events)
-      (setf events nil))))
-(defun plz-event-source--skip-proxy-headers ()
-  "Skip proxy headers in current buffer."
-  (when (looking-at plz-http-response-status-line-regexp)
-    (let* ((status-code (string-to-number (match-string 2)))
-           (reason-phrase (match-string 3)))
-      (when (and (equal 200 status-code)
-                 (equal "Connection established" reason-phrase))
-        (re-search-forward "\r\n\r\n" nil t)))))
-(defun plz-event-source--skip-redirect-headers ()
-  "Skip HTTP redirect headers in current buffer."
-  (when (and (looking-at plz-http-response-status-line-regexp)
-             (member (string-to-number (match-string 2)) '(301 302 303 307 
-    (re-search-forward "\r\n\r\n" nil t)))
-(defun plz-event-source--buffer-start-position ()
-  "Return the start position of the current buffer."
-  (save-excursion
-    (goto-char (point-min))
-    (plz-event-source--skip-proxy-headers)
-    (while (plz-event-source--skip-redirect-headers))
-    (re-search-forward plz-http-end-of-headers-regexp nil t)
-    (point)))
-(cl-defmethod plz-event-source-open ((source plz-event-source-buffer))
-  "Open a connection to the URL of the event SOURCE."
-  (with-slots (buffer errors options ready-state parser) source
-    (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create buffer)
-      (let ((event (plz-event-source-event :type 'open)))
-        (setf ready-state 'connecting)
-        (setf parser (plz-event-source-parser
-                      :buffer buffer
-                      :position (plz-event-source--buffer-start-position)))
-        (setf ready-state 'open)
-        (plz-event-source--dispatch-event source event)
-        source))))
-(cl-defmethod plz-event-source-close ((source plz-event-source-buffer))
-  "Close the connection of the event SOURCE."
-  (with-slots (buffer ready-state) source
-    (let ((event (plz-event-source-event :type 'close)))
-      (setf ready-state 'closed)
-      (plz-event-source--dispatch-event source event)
-      source)))
-(defclass plz-event-source-http (plz-event-source)
-  ((process
-    :initarg :process
-    :documentation "The process of the event source."
-    :type (or null process))
-   (response
-    :initarg :response
-    :documentation "The plz HTTP response."
-    :type (or null plz-response)))
-  "A server sent event source using curl for HTTP.")
-(defun plz-event-source--media-types (source)
-  "Return the media types of the event SOURCE."
-  (with-slots (handlers) source
-    (let ((media-type (plz-event-source:text/event-stream :events handlers)))
-      (cons (cons 'text/event-stream media-type) plz-media-types))))
-(cl-defmethod plz-event-source-open ((source plz-event-source-http))
-  "Open a connection to the URL of the event SOURCE."
-  (with-slots (errors options process ready-state response url) source
-    (setf ready-state 'connecting)
-    (setf response nil)
-    (setf process (plz-media-type-request
-                    (or (alist-get 'method options) 'get) url
-                    :as `(media-types ,(plz-event-source--media-types source))
-                    :body (alist-get 'body options)
-                    :headers (alist-get 'headers options)
-                    :then (lambda (object)
-                            (setf response object))
-                    :else (lambda (object)
-                            (setf errors (push object errors))
-                            (setf response (plz-error-response object)))
-                    :finally (lambda ()
-                               (setf ready-state 'closed))))
-    source))
-(cl-defmethod plz-event-source-close ((source plz-event-source-http))
-  "Close the connection of the event SOURCE."
-  (with-slots (process ready-state) source
-    (delete-process process)
-    (setf ready-state 'closed)))
-;; Content Type: text/event-stream
-(defclass plz-event-source:text/event-stream 
-  ((coding-system :initform 'utf-8)
-   (type :initform 'text)
-   (subtype :initform 'event-stream)
-   (events :documentation "Association list from event type to handler."
-           :initarg :events
-           :initform nil
-           :type list))
-  "Media type class that handles the processing of HTTP responses
-in the server sent events format.  The HTTP response is processed
-in a streaming way.  The :events slot of the class can be set to
-an association list from event type symbol to a handler function.
-Whenever a new event is parsed and emitted the handler for the
-corresponding event type will be called with two arguments, an
-instance of the underlying event source class and an event.  The
-body slot of the plz-response structure passed to the THEN and
-ELSE callbacks will always be set to nil.")
-(defvar-local plz-event-source--current nil
-  "The event source of the current buffer.")
-(cl-defmethod plz-media-type-else ((_ plz-event-source:text/event-stream) 
-  "Transform the ERROR into a format suitable for MEDIA-TYPE."
-  (let* ((source plz-event-source--current)
-         (event (plz-event-source-event :type 'error :data error)))
-    (plz-event-source-close source)
-    (plz-event-source--dispatch-event source event)
-    error))
-(cl-defmethod plz-media-type-process ((media-type 
plz-event-source:text/event-stream) process chunk)
-  "Process the CHUNK according to MEDIA-TYPE using PROCESS."
-  (unless plz-event-source--current
-    (let* ((response (make-plz-response
-                      :status (plz-response-status chunk)
-                      :headers (plz-response-headers chunk)))
-           (source (plz-event-source-open
-                    (plz-event-source-buffer
-                     :buffer (buffer-name (process-buffer process))
-                     :handlers (seq-map
-                                (lambda (pair)
-                                  (let ((type (car pair))
-                                        (handler (cdr pair)))
-                                    (cond
-                                     ((equal 'open type)
-                                      (cons type (lambda (event)
-                                                   (setf (oref event data) 
-                                                   (funcall handler event))))
-                                     ((equal 'close type)
-                                      (cons type (lambda (event)
-                                                   (setf (oref event data) 
-                                                   (funcall handler event))))
-                                     (t pair))))
-                                (oref media-type events))))))
-      (setq-local plz-event-source--current source)))
-  (let ((body (plz-media-type-decode-coding-string media-type 
(plz-response-body chunk))))
-    (plz-event-source--insert plz-event-source--current body)
-    (set-marker (process-mark process) (point))))
-(cl-defmethod plz-media-type-then ((media-type 
plz-event-source:text/event-stream) response)
-  "Transform the RESPONSE into a format suitable for MEDIA-TYPE."
-  (plz-event-source-close plz-event-source--current)
-  (cl-call-next-method media-type response)
-  (setf (plz-response-body response) nil)
-  response)
-(provide 'plz-event-source)
-;;; plz-event-source.el ends here
diff --git a/plz-media-type.el b/plz-media-type.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ff4d3012a..0000000000
--- a/plz-media-type.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,728 +0,0 @@
-;;; plz-media-type.el --- Plz Media Types -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2019-2023  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-;; Author: r0man <>
-;; Maintainer: r0man <>
-;; URL:
-;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
-;; It is temporarily vendored within the llm library.  Please DO NOT
-;; depend on it!  It is subject to change.  Once we think this package
-;; is stable, we will release it to GNU ELPA.  If no serious issues
-;; are found, we plan to do this in Q4 of 2024.
-;;; License:
-;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-;; (at your option) any later version.
-;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-;;; Commentary:
-;; This library provides enhanced handling of MIME types for HTTP
-;; requests within Emacs.  It utilizes the 'plz' library for
-;; networking calls, extending it to process responses based on the
-;; Content-Type header.  This library defines various classes and
-;; methods for parsing and processing standard MIME types, including
-;; JSON, XML, HTML, and binary data.  It allows for extensible
-;; processing of additional types through subclassing.
-;;; Code:
-;;;; Requirements
-(require 'cl-lib)
-(require 'eieio)
-(require 'plz)
-(defclass plz-media-type ()
-  ((coding-system
-    :documentation "The coding system to use for the media type."
-    :initarg :coding-system
-    :initform nil
-    :type (or null symbol))
-   (type
-    :documentation "The media type."
-    :initarg :type
-    :type symbol)
-   (subtype
-    :documentation "The media subtype."
-    :initarg :subtype
-    :type symbol)
-   (parameters
-    :documentation "The parameters of the media type."
-    :initarg :parameters
-    :initform nil
-    :type list))
-  "A class that hold information about the type, subtype and
-parameters of a media type.  It is meant to be sub-classed to
-handle the processing of different media types and supports the
-processing of streaming and non-streaming HTTP responses.  The
-response will be decoded with the coding-system of the charset
-parameter in the content type header, or the coding-sytem of the
-media type.  If the coding system of a media type is nil, the
-response will not be decoded.")
-(cl-defgeneric plz-media-type-else (media-type error)
-  "Transform and handle the ERROR according to MEDIA-TYPE.")
-(cl-defgeneric plz-media-type-then (media-type response)
-  "Transform and handle the RESPONSE according to MEDIA-TYPE.")
-(cl-defgeneric plz-media-type-process (media-type process chunk)
-  "Process the CHUNK according to MEDIA-TYPE using PROCESS.")
-(cl-defmethod plz-media-type-else ((_ (eql nil)) error)
-  "Transform and handle the ERROR according to MEDIA-TYPE."
-  error)
-(defun plz-media-type-charset (media-type)
-  "Return the character set of the MEDIA-TYPE."
-  (with-slots (parameters) media-type
-    (alist-get "charset" parameters nil nil #'equal)))
-(defun plz-media-type-coding-system (media-type)
-  "Return the coding system of the MEDIA-TYPE."
-  (if-let (charset (plz-media-type-charset media-type))
-      (coding-system-from-name charset)
-    (oref media-type coding-system)))
-(defun plz-media-type-decode-coding-string (media-type string)
-  "Decode STRING which is encoded in the coding system of MEDIA-TYPE."
-  (if-let (coding-system (plz-media-type-coding-system media-type))
-      (decode-coding-string string coding-system)
-    string))
-(defun plz-media-type-name (media-type)
-  "Return the name of the MEDIA-TYPE as a string."
-  (with-slots (type subtype) media-type
-    (format "%s/%s" type subtype)))
-(defun plz-media-type-symbol (media-type)
-  "Return the name of the MEDIA-TYPE as a symbol."
-  (intern (plz-media-type-name media-type)))
-(defun plz-media-type-of-response (media-types response)
-  "Lookup the content type of RESPONSE in MEDIA-TYPES."
-  (let ((media-type (plz-media-type--content-type response)))
-    (clone (plz-media-type--find media-types media-type)
-           :parameters (oref media-type parameters))))
-(defun plz-media-type--parse (header)
-  "Parse the Content-Type HEADER and return a `plz-media-type' instance."
-  (unless (or (null header) (string-blank-p header))
-    (let* ((components (split-string header ";"))
-           (mime-type (string-trim (car components)))
-           (parameters-list (cdr components))
-           (parameters-alist '()))
-      (dolist (param parameters-list parameters-alist)
-        (let* ((key-value (split-string param "="))
-               (key (string-trim (car key-value)))
-               (value (string-trim (cadr key-value) "\"")))
-          (setq parameters-alist (cons (cons key value) parameters-alist))))
-      (let ((parts (split-string mime-type "/")))
-        (plz-media-type
-         :type (intern (car parts))
-         :subtype (intern (cadr parts))
-         :parameters (nreverse parameters-alist))))))
-(defun plz-media-type--content-type (response)
-  "Return the content type header of RESPONSE, or nil if it's not set."
-  (let ((headers (plz-response-headers response)))
-    (when-let (header (cdr (assoc 'content-type headers)))
-      (plz-media-type--parse header))))
-(defun plz-media-type--find (media-types media-type)
-  "Lookup the MEDIA-TYPE in MEDIA-TYPES."
-  (or (alist-get (plz-media-type-symbol media-type) media-types)
-      (alist-get t media-types)
-      (plz-media-type:application/octet-stream)))
-(defvar-local plz-media-type--current nil
-  "The media type of the process buffer.")
-(defvar-local plz-media-type--position nil
-  "The position in the process buffer.")
-(defvar-local plz-media-type--response nil
-  "The response of the process buffer.")
-(defun plz-media-type--schedule (handler messages)
-  "Schedule MESSAGES to be processed with the HANDLER on a timer."
-  (cl-loop with time = (current-time)
-           for msg = (pop messages) while msg
-           do (let ((timer (timer-create)))
-                (timer-set-time timer time)
-                (timer-set-function timer
-                                    (lambda (handler msg)
-                                      (with-temp-buffer (funcall handler msg)))
-                                    (list handler msg))
-                (timer-activate timer))))
-(defun plz-media-type--skip-proxy-headers ()
-  "Skip proxy headers in current buffer."
-  (when (looking-at plz-http-response-status-line-regexp)
-    (let* ((status-code (string-to-number (match-string 2)))
-           (reason-phrase (match-string 3)))
-      (when (and (equal 200 status-code)
-                 (equal "Connection established" reason-phrase))
-        (re-search-forward "\r\n\r\n" nil t)))))
-(defun plz-media-type--skip-redirect-headers ()
-  "Skip HTTP redirect headers in current buffer."
-  (when (and (looking-at plz-http-response-status-line-regexp)
-             (member (string-to-number (match-string 2)) '(301 302 303 307 
-    (re-search-forward "\r\n\r\n" nil t)))
-(defun plz-media-type--parse-headers ()
-  "Parse the HTTP response headers in the current buffer."
-  (forward-line 1)
-  (let ((limit (save-excursion
-                 (re-search-forward plz-http-end-of-headers-regexp nil)
-                 (point))))
-    (cl-loop while (re-search-forward (rx bol (group (1+ (not (in ":")))) ":" 
(1+ blank)
-                                          (group (1+ (not (in "\r\n")))))
-                                      limit t)
-             collect (cons (intern (downcase (match-string 1))) (match-string 
-(cl-defun plz-media-type--parse-response ()
-  "Parse the response in the current buffer."
-  (when (re-search-forward plz-http-end-of-headers-regexp nil t)
-    (goto-char (point-min))
-    (plz-media-type--skip-proxy-headers)
-    (while (plz-media-type--skip-redirect-headers))
-    (let ((start-of-response (point)))
-      (when (re-search-forward plz-http-end-of-headers-regexp nil t)
-        (let ((end-of-headers (point)))
-          (goto-char start-of-response)
-          (when (looking-at plz-http-response-status-line-regexp)
-            (prog1 (make-plz-response
-                    :version (string-to-number (match-string 1))
-                    :status (string-to-number (match-string 2))
-                    :headers (plz-media-type--parse-headers)
-                    :body (buffer-substring end-of-headers (point-max)))
-              (goto-char end-of-headers))))))))
-(defun plz-media-type-process-filter (process media-types string)
-  "The process filter that handles different content types.
-PROCESS is the process.
-MEDIA-TYPES is an association list from media type to an
-instance of a content type class.
-STRING which is output just received from the process."
-  (when (buffer-live-p (process-buffer process))
-    (with-current-buffer (process-buffer process)
-      (let ((moving (= (point) (process-mark process))))
-        (if-let (media-type plz-media-type--current)
-            (let ((response plz-media-type--response))
-              (setf (plz-response-body response) string)
-              (plz-media-type-process media-type process response))
-          (progn
-            (save-excursion
-              (goto-char (process-mark process))
-              (insert string)
-              (set-marker (process-mark process) (point)))
-            (goto-char (point-min))
-            (when-let (chunk (plz-media-type--parse-response))
-              (delete-region (point) (point-max))
-              (let ((media-type (plz-media-type-of-response media-types 
-                (setq-local plz-media-type--current media-type)
-                (setq-local plz-media-type--response
-                            (make-plz-response
-                             :headers (plz-response-headers chunk)
-                             :status (plz-response-status chunk)
-                             :version (plz-response-version chunk)))
-                (when-let (body (plz-response-body chunk))
-                  (when (> (length body) 0)
-                    (setf (plz-response-body chunk) body)
-                    (set-marker (process-mark process) (point))
-                    (plz-media-type-process media-type process chunk)))))))
-        (when moving
-          (goto-char (process-mark process)))))))
-;; Content Type: application/octet-stream
-(defclass plz-media-type:application/octet-stream (plz-media-type)
-  ((type :initform 'application)
-   (subtype :initform 'octet-stream))
-  "Media type class that handles the processing of octet stream
-HTTP responses.  The media type sets the body slot of the
-plz-response structure to the unmodified value of the HTTP response
-body.  It is used as the default media type processor.")
-(cl-defmethod plz-media-type-else
-  ((media-type plz-media-type:application/octet-stream) error)
-  "Transform the ERROR into a format suitable for MEDIA-TYPE."
-  (when-let (response (plz-error-response error))
-    (setf (plz-error-response error) (plz-media-type-then media-type 
-  error)
-(cl-defmethod plz-media-type-then
-  ((media-type plz-media-type:application/octet-stream) response)
-  "Transform the RESPONSE into a format suitable for MEDIA-TYPE."
-  (ignore media-type)
-  (setf (plz-response-body response) (buffer-string))
-  response)
-(cl-defmethod plz-media-type-process
-  ((media-type plz-media-type:application/octet-stream) process chunk)
-  "Process the CHUNK according to MEDIA-TYPE using PROCESS."
-  (ignore media-type)
-  (save-excursion
-    (goto-char (process-mark process))
-    (insert (plz-media-type-decode-coding-string media-type (plz-response-body 
-    (set-marker (process-mark process) (point))))
-;; Content Type: application/json
-(defclass plz-media-type:application/json 
-  ((coding-system :initform 'utf-8)
-   (subtype :initform 'json)
-   (array-type
-    :documentation "Specifies which Lisp type is used to represent arrays.  It 
can be
-`array' (the default) or `list'."
-    :initarg :array-type
-    :initform 'array
-    :type symbol)
-   (false-object
-    :documentation "Specifies which object to use to represent a JSON false 
value. It
-defaults to `:json-false'."
-    :initarg :false-object
-    :initform :json-false)
-   (null-object
-    :documentation "Specifies which object to use to represent a JSON null 
value.  It
-defaults to `nil`."
-    :initarg :null-object
-    :initform nil)
-   (object-type
-    :documentation "Specifies which Lisp type is used to represent objects.  
It can
-be `hash-table', `alist' (the default) or `plist'."
-    :initarg :object-type
-    :initform 'alist
-    :type symbol))
-  "Media type class that handles the processing of HTTP responses
-in the JSON format.  The HTTP response is processed in a
-non-streaming way.  After the response has been received, the
-body of the plz-response structure is set to the result of parsing
-the HTTP response body with the `json-parse-buffer' function.
-The arguments to the `json-parse-buffer' can be customized by
-making an instance of this class and setting its slots
-(defun plz-media-type--parse-json-object (media-type)
-  "Parse the JSON object in the current buffer according to MEDIA-TYPE."
-  (with-slots (array-type false-object null-object object-type) media-type
-    (json-parse-buffer :array-type array-type
-                       :false-object false-object
-                       :null-object null-object
-                       :object-type object-type)) )
-(cl-defmethod plz-media-type-then
-  ((media-type plz-media-type:application/json) response)
-  "Transform the RESPONSE into a format suitable for MEDIA-TYPE."
-  (setf (plz-response-body response) (plz-media-type--parse-json-object 
-  response)
-;; Content Type: application/json (array of objects)
-(defclass plz-media-type:application/json-array 
-  ((handler
-    :documentation "Function that will be called for each object in the JSON 
-    :initarg :handler
-    :type (or function symbol)))
-  "Media type class that handles the processing of HTTP responses
-in a JSON format that assumes that the object at the top level is
-an array.  The HTTP response is processed in a streaming way.
-Each object in the top level array will be parsed with the
-`json-parse-buffer' function.  The function in the :handler slot
-will be called each time a new object arrives.  The body slot of
-the plz-response structure passed to the THEN and ELSE callbacks
-will always be set to nil.")
-(defun plz-media-type:application/json-array--parse-next (media-type)
-  "Parse a single line of the newline delimited JSON MEDIA-TYPE."
-  (let ((begin (point)))
-    (cond ((looking-at "\\[")
-           (forward-char 1)
-           (cons :array-start (buffer-substring begin (point))))
-          ((looking-at ",")
-           (forward-char 1)
-           (cons :comma (buffer-substring begin (point))))
-          ((looking-at "\n")
-           (forward-char 1)
-           (cons :line-feed (buffer-substring begin (point))))
-          ((looking-at "\r")
-           (forward-char 1)
-           (cons :carriage-return (buffer-substring begin (point))))
-          ((looking-at "\\]")
-           (forward-char 1)
-           (cons :array-end (buffer-substring begin (point))))
-          ((not (eobp))
-           (condition-case nil
-               (cons :array-element (plz-media-type--parse-json-object 
-             (json-error))))))
-(defun plz-media-type:application/json-array--consume-next (media-type)
-  "Parse a single line of the newline delimited JSON MEDIA-TYPE."
-  (let ((begin (point)))
-    (prog1 (plz-media-type:application/json-array--parse-next media-type)
-      (delete-region begin (point))
-      (setq-local plz-media-type--position (point)))))
-(defun plz-media-type:application/json-array--parse-stream (media-type)
-  "Parse all lines of the newline delimited JSON MEDIA-TYPE in the PROCESS 
-  (let ((objects))
-    (unless plz-media-type--position
-      (setq-local plz-media-type--position (point)))
-    (goto-char plz-media-type--position)
-    (when-let (result (plz-media-type:application/json-array--consume-next 
-      (while result
-        (when (equal :array-element (car result))
-          (push (cdr result) objects))
-        (setq result (plz-media-type:application/json-array--consume-next 
-    objects))
-(cl-defmethod plz-media-type-process
-  ((media-type plz-media-type:application/json-array) process chunk)
-  "Process the CHUNK according to MEDIA-TYPE using PROCESS."
-  (cl-call-next-method media-type process chunk)
-  (with-slots (handler) media-type
-    (let ((objects (plz-media-type:application/json-array--parse-stream 
-      (set-marker (process-mark process) (point-max))
-      (plz-media-type--schedule handler objects))))
-(cl-defmethod plz-media-type-then
-  ((media-type plz-media-type:application/json-array) response)
-  "Transform the RESPONSE into a format suitable for MEDIA-TYPE."
-  (ignore media-type)
-  (setf (plz-response-body response) nil)
-  response)
-;; Content Type: application/x-ndjson
-(defclass plz-media-type:application/x-ndjson (plz-media-type:application/json)
-  ((subtype :initform 'x-ndjson)
-   (handler
-    :documentation "Function that will be called for each line that contains a 
JSON object."
-    :initarg :handler
-    :initform nil
-    :type (or function null symbol)))
-  "Media type class that handles the processing of HTTP responses
-in a JSON format that assumes that the object at the top level is
-an array.  The HTTP response is processed in a streaming way.
-Each object in the top level array will be parsed with the
-`json-parse-buffer' function.  The function in the :handler slot
-will be called each time a new object arrives.  The body slot of
-the plz-response structure passed to the THEN and ELSE callbacks
-will always be set to nil.")
-(defconst plz-media-type:application/x-ndjson--line-regexp
-  (rx (* not-newline) (or "\r\n" "\n" "\r"))
-  "Regular expression matching a JSON Object line.")
-(defun plz-media-type:application/x-ndjson--parse-line (media-type)
-  "Parse a single line of the newline delimited JSON MEDIA-TYPE."
-  (when (looking-at plz-media-type:application/x-ndjson--line-regexp)
-    (prog1 (plz-media-type--parse-json-object media-type)
-      (delete-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)))))
-(defun plz-media-type:application/x-ndjson--parse-stream (media-type)
-  "Parse all lines of the newline delimited JSON MEDIA-TYPE in the PROCESS 
-  (with-slots (handler) media-type
-    (let (objects)
-      (unless plz-media-type--position
-        (setq-local plz-media-type--position (point)))
-      (goto-char plz-media-type--position)
-      (when-let (object (plz-media-type:application/x-ndjson--parse-line 
-        (while object
-          (setq-local plz-media-type--position (point))
-          (push object objects)
-          (setq object (plz-media-type:application/x-ndjson--parse-line 
-      objects)))
-(cl-defmethod plz-media-type-process
-  ((media-type plz-media-type:application/x-ndjson) process chunk)
-  "Process the CHUNK according to MEDIA-TYPE using PROCESS."
-  (cl-call-next-method media-type process chunk)
-  (with-slots (handler) media-type
-    (let ((objects (plz-media-type:application/x-ndjson--parse-stream 
-      (plz-media-type--schedule handler objects))))
-(cl-defmethod plz-media-type-then
-  ((media-type plz-media-type:application/x-ndjson) response)
-  "Transform the RESPONSE into a format suitable for MEDIA-TYPE."
-  (ignore media-type)
-  (setf (plz-response-body response) nil)
-  response)
-;; Content Type: application/xml
-(defclass plz-media-type:application/xml 
-  ((coding-system :initform 'utf-8)
-   (subtype :initform 'xml))
-  "Media type class that handles the processing of HTTP responses
-in the XML format.  The HTTP response is processed in a
-non-streaming way.  After the response has been received, the
-body of the plz-response structure is set to the result of parsing
-the HTTP response body with the `libxml-parse-html-region'
-(cl-defmethod plz-media-type-then
-  ((media-type plz-media-type:application/xml) response)
-  "Transform the RESPONSE into a format suitable for MEDIA-TYPE."
-  (with-slots (array-type false-object null-object object-type) media-type
-    (setf (plz-response-body response)
-          (libxml-parse-html-region (point-min) (point-max) nil))
-    response))
-;; Content Type: text/html
-(defclass plz-media-type:text/html (plz-media-type:application/xml)
-  ((type :initform 'text)
-   (subtype :initform 'html))
-  "Media type class that handles the processing of HTTP responses
-in the HTML format.  The HTTP response is processed in a
-non-streaming way.  After the response has been received, the
-body of the plz-response structure is set to the result of parsing
-the HTTP response body with the `libxml-parse-html-region'
-(defclass plz-media-type:text/xml (plz-media-type:application/xml)
-  ((coding-system :initform 'us-ascii)
-   (type :initform 'text)
-   (subtype :initform 'xml))
-  "Media type class that handles the processing of HTTP responses
-in the HTML format.  The HTTP response is processed in a
-non-streaming way.  After the response has been received, the
-body of the plz-response structure is set to the result of
-parsing the HTTP response body with the
-`libxml-parse-html-region' function.")
-(defvar plz-media-types
-  `((application/json . ,(plz-media-type:application/json))
-    (application/octet-stream . ,(plz-media-type:application/octet-stream))
-    (application/xml . ,(plz-media-type:application/xml))
-    (text/html . ,(plz-media-type:text/html))
-    (text/xml . ,(plz-media-type:text/xml))
-    (t . ,(plz-media-type:application/octet-stream)))
-  "Association list from media type to content type.")
-(defun plz-media-type--handle-sync-http-error (error media-types)
-  "Handle the synchronous HTTP ERROR using MEDIA-TYPES."
-  (let* ((msg (cadr error))
-         (plzerror (caddr error)))
-    (signal (car error)
-            (cond
-             ((plz-error-response plzerror)
-              (let ((response (plz-error-response plzerror)))
-                (if-let (media-type (plz-media-type-of-response media-types 
-                    (list msg (with-temp-buffer
-                                (when-let (body (plz-response-body response))
-                                  (insert body)
-                                  (goto-char (point-min)))
-                                (plz-media-type-else media-type plzerror)))
-                  (cdr error))))))))
-(defun plz-media-type--handle-sync-error (error media-types)
-  "Handle the synchronous ERROR using MEDIA-TYPES."
-  (cond
-   ((eq 'plz-http-error (car error))
-    (plz-media-type--handle-sync-http-error error media-types))
-   (t (signal (car error) (cdr error)))))
-(defun plz-media-type--handle-sync-response (buffer)
-  "Handle a successful synchronous response in BUFFER."
-  (unwind-protect
-      (with-current-buffer buffer
-        (plz-media-type-then plz-media-type--current plz-media-type--response))
-    (when (buffer-live-p buffer)
-      (kill-buffer buffer))))
-(cl-defun plz-media-type-request
-    (method
-     url
-     &rest rest &key headers body else finally noquery timeout
-     (as 'string)
-     (body-type 'text)
-     (connect-timeout plz-connect-timeout)
-     (decode t decode-s)
-     (then 'sync))
-  "Request METHOD from URL with curl.
-This function works in a similar way as the `plz' function, with
-the additional functionality of handling streaming and
-non-streaming media types with the :as (media-types MEDIA-TYPES)
-option.  Setting a process :filter by the user is not supported.
-Instead this function will always install its own process filter
-that will process the response until the HTTP headers arrived.
-Once the headers arrived it will hand over control to a media
-type based on the content type header of the response.  The media
-type is responsible for processing the HTTP body.
-Return the curl process object or, for a synchronous request, the
-selected result.
-HEADERS may be an alist of extra headers to send with the
-BODY may be a string, a buffer, or a list like `(file FILENAME)'
-to upload a file from disk.
-BODY-TYPE may be `text' to send BODY as text, or `binary' to send
-it as binary.
-AS selects the kind of result to pass to the callback function
-THEN, or the kind of result to return for synchronous requests.
-It may be:
-- `buffer' to pass the response buffer, which will be narrowed to
-  the response body and decoded according to DECODE.
-- `binary' to pass the response body as an un-decoded string.
-- `string' to pass the response body as a decoded string.
-- `response' to pass a `plz-response' structure.
-- `file' to pass a temporary filename to which the response body
-  has been saved without decoding.
-- `(file FILENAME)' to pass FILENAME after having saved the
-  response body to it without decoding.  FILENAME must be a
-  non-existent file; if it exists, it will not be overwritten,
-  and an error will be signaled.
-- `(media-types MEDIA-TYPES)' to handle the processing of the
-  response based on the Content-Type header.  MEDIA-TYPES is an
-  association list from a content type symbol to an instance of a
-  `plz-media-type' class.  The `plz-media-types' variable is
-  bound to an association list and can be used to handle some
-  commonly used formats such as JSON, HTML, XML.  This list can
-  be used as a basis and is meant to be extended by users.  If no
-  media type was found for a content type, it will be handled by
-  the default octet stream media type.  When this option is used,
-  the THEN callback will always receive a plz-response structure as
-  argument, and the ELSE callback always a plz-error structure.  The
-  plz-response structure will always have the status and header
-  slots set.  The body slot depends on the media type
-  implementation.  In the case for JSON, HTML, XML it will
-  contain the decoded response body.  When receiving JSON for
-  example, it will be an Emacs Lisp association list.  For
-  streaming responses like text/event-stream it will be set to
-  nil, and the events of the server sent events specification
-  will be dispatched to the handlers registered with the media
-  type instance.
-- A function, which is called in the response buffer with it
-  narrowed to the response body (suitable for, e.g. `json-read').
-If DECODE is non-nil, the response body is decoded automatically.
-For binary content, it should be nil.  When AS is `binary',
-DECODE is automatically set to nil.
-THEN is a callback function, whose sole argument is selected
-above with AS; if the request fails and no ELSE function is
-given (see below), the argument will be a `plz-error' structure
-describing the error.  Or THEN may be `sync' to make a
-synchronous request, in which case the result is returned
-directly from this function.
-ELSE is an optional callback function called when the request
-fails (i.e. if curl fails, or if the HTTP response has a non-2xx
-status code).  It is called with one argument, a `plz-error'
-structure.  If ELSE is nil, a `plz-curl-error' or
-`plz-http-error' is signaled when the request fails, with a
-`plz-error' structure as the error data.  For synchronous
-requests, this argument is ignored.
-NOTE: In v0.8 of `plz', only one error will be signaled:
-`plz-error'.  The existing errors, `plz-curl-error' and
-`plz-http-error', inherit from `plz-error' to allow applications
-to update their code while using v0.7 (i.e. any `condition-case'
-forms should now handle only `plz-error', not the other two).
-FINALLY is an optional function called without argument after
-THEN or ELSE, as appropriate.  For synchronous requests, this
-argument is ignored.
-CONNECT-TIMEOUT and TIMEOUT are a number of seconds that limit
-how long it takes to connect to a host and to receive a complete
-response from a host, respectively.
-NOQUERY is passed to `make-process', which see.
-When the HTTP response is streamed, the buffering in the curl
-output stream is turned off and the PROCESS-FILTER may be called
-multiple times, depending on the size of the HTTP body.  It is
-the user's responsibility to understand and process each chunk,
-and to construct the finalized response if necessary.  There are
-no guarantees regarding the chunk, such as being line-based or
-\(To silence checkdoc, we mention the internal argument REST.)"
-  ;; FIXME(v0.8): Remove the note about error changes from the docstring.
-  ;; FIXME(v0.8): Update error signals in docstring.
-  (declare (indent defun))
-  (if-let (media-types (pcase as
-                         (`(media-types ,media-types)
-                          media-types)))
-      (let ((buffer))
-        (condition-case error
-            (let* ((plz-curl-default-args (cons "--no-buffer" 
-                   (result (plz method url
-                             :as 'buffer
-                             :body body
-                             :body-type body-type
-                             :connect-timeout connect-timeout
-                             :decode decode
-                             :else (lambda (error)
-                                     (setq buffer (current-buffer))
-                                     (when (or (functionp else) (symbolp else))
-                                       (funcall else (plz-media-type-else
-                                                      plz-media-type--current
-                                                      error))))
-                             :finally (lambda ()
-                                        (unwind-protect
-                                            (when (functionp finally)
-                                              (funcall finally))
-                                          (when (buffer-live-p buffer)
-                                            (kill-buffer buffer))))
-                             :headers headers
-                             :noquery noquery
-                             :filter (lambda (process chunk)
-                                       (plz-media-type-process-filter process 
media-types chunk))
-                             :timeout timeout
-                             :then (if (symbolp then)
-                                       then
-                                     (lambda (_)
-                                       (setq buffer (current-buffer))
-                                       (when (or (functionp then) (symbolp 
-                                         (funcall then (plz-media-type-then
-                                                        plz-media-type--current
-              (cond ((bufferp result)
-                     (plz-media-type--handle-sync-response result))
-                    ((processp result)
-                     result)
-                    (t (user-error "Unexpected response: %s" result))))
-          ;; TODO: How to kill the buffer for sync requests that raise an 
-          (plz-error (plz-media-type--handle-sync-error error media-types))))
-    (apply #'plz (append (list method url) rest))))
-;;;; Footer
-(provide 'plz-media-type)
-;;; plz-media-type.el ends here

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