branch: master
commit 6b9a6769f9f96423cae2090cc06260c5dba775da
Author: Ian D <>
Commit: Ian D <>

    Added documentation for each condition
--- | 139 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 1 file changed, 131 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index d76a2b1..7b74340 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
 #+TITLE: Org Edna
 #+AUTHOR: Ian Dunn
+#+DATE: {{{modification-time}}}
+#+STARTUP: overview
 Extensible Dependencies 'N' Actions for Org-Mode tasks
@@ -25,11 +29,6 @@ along with this program.  If not, see 
 :CUSTOM_ID: introduction
-- [ ] *Explain how this will make peoples' lives easier*
-- [ ] Stick with one of heading, headline, or entry; don't keep switching 
between them
 Edna provides an extensible means of specifying conditions which must be
 fulfilled before a task can be completed and actions to take once it is.
@@ -44,7 +43,61 @@ and DONE state to indicate any state in ~org-done-keywords~.
 :CUSTOM_ID: operation
-Explain targets, actions, conditions
+Let's start with an example: Say you want to do laundry, but once you've put
+your clothes in the washer, you forget about it.  Even with a tool like
+org-notify or appt, Org won't know when to remind you.  If you've got them
+scheduled for an hour after the other, maybe you forgot one time, or ran a
+little late.  Now Org will remind you too early.
+Edna can handle this for you like so:
+#+BEGIN_SRC org
+,* TODO Put clothes in washer
+  SCHEDULED: <2017-04-08 Sat 09:00>
+  :TRIGGER: next-sibling scheduled(++1h)
+  :END:
+,* TODO Put clothes in dryer
+  :TRIGGER: next-sibling scheduled(++1h)
+  :BLOCKER:  previous-sibling
+  :END:
+,* TODO Fold laundry
+  :TRIGGER: next-sibling scheduled(++1h)
+  :BLOCKER:  previous-sibling
+  :END:
+,* TODO Put clothes away
+  :TRIGGER: next-sibling scheduled(++1h)
+  :BLOCKER:  previous-sibling
+  :END:
+After you've put your clothes in the washer and mark the task DONE, Edna will
+schedule the following task for one hour after you set the first headline as
+Another example might be a checklist that you've done so many times that you do
+part of it on autopilot:
+#+BEGIN_SRC org
+,* TODO Address all TODOs in code
+,* TODO Commit Code to Repository
+The last thing anyone wants is to find out that some part of the code on which
+they've been working for days has a surprise waiting for them.  Once again, 
+can help:
+#+BEGIN_SRC org
+,* TODO Address all TODOs in code
+  :BLOCKER: file(main.cpp) file(code.cpp) re-search(TODO)
+  :END:
+,* TODO Commit Code to Repository
 ** Blockers
 :CUSTOM_ID: blockers
@@ -56,7 +109,28 @@ as DONE.
 :CUSTOM_ID: triggers
-A trigger is an action triggered by setting a headline to DONE.
+A trigger is an action to take when a headline is set to done.  For example,
+scheduling another task, marking another task as TODO, or renaming a file.
+** Syntax
+:CUSTOM_ID: syntax
+:DESCRIPTION: Basic explanation of Edna's syntax
+#+cindex: syntax
+The basic syntax of Edna's commands is KEYWORD(ARG1,ARG2,...)
+KEYWORD can be any valid symbol, such as key-word, KEY_WORD, or keyword?.
+Each argument can be one of the following:
+- A symbol, such as arg or arg-1
+- A valid lisp form, such as (+ 1 2) or (or a b)
+- A quoted string, such as "hello" or "My name is Edna"
+Any quotes should be escaped (e.g. "\"\"").
+The parentheses can be omitted for commands with no arguments.
 * Basic Features
 :CUSTOM_ID: basic
@@ -262,27 +336,76 @@ that target, then that headline is blocked.
 :CUSTOM_ID: done
+Syntax: done
+Blocks the current headline if any target is DONE.
 *** headings
 :CUSTOM_ID: headings
+Syntax: headings
+Blocks the current headline if any target belongs to a file that has an Org 
+org-file( headings
+The above example blocks if has any headings.
 *** todo-state
 :CUSTOM_ID: todo-state
+Syntax: todo-state(STATE)
+Blocks if any target has a headline with TODO state set to STATE.
 *** variable-set
 :CUSTOM_ID: variable-set
+Syntax: variable-set(VARIABLE,VALUE)
+Blocks the current headline if VARIABLE is set to VALUE.
+self variable-set(test-variable,12)
 *** has-property
 :CUSTOM_ID: has-property
+Syntax: has-property(PROPERTY,VALUE)
+Tests each target for the property PROPERTY, and blocks if it's set to VALUE.
+*** re-search
+:CUSTOM_ID: re-search
+:DESCRIPTION: Search for a regular expression
+Syntax: re-search(REGEXP)
+Blocks the current headline if the regular expression REGEXP is present in any
+of the targets.
+The targets are expected to be files, although this will work with other 
+as well.
 *** Negating Conditions
 :CUSTOM_ID: negate
-You can also negate a condition using '!'.
+Any condition can be negated using '!'.
 match(test) !has-property(PROP,1)

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