Hello everyone.  I have within the past month and a half begun using
org-mode for my GTD needs, learning Emacs at the same time.  First off, I
have to say that I love org-mode, and want to thank Carsten and everyone who
contributes to it--it really is an amazing program.  To that end, being new
to Emacs, I absolutely love Emacs as well, and have found myself continually
looking for new ways to incorporate it into my workflow.

Now for my problem.  I use a Mac at home, but I just recently switched jobs
and have a Windows computer at work, with no administrator access.  This
makes it difficult for me to install anything, as I have to track down the
(overworked) IT guy and get him to do it for me.  I already had him install
XEmacs for me, only to find out that it doesn't come with org-mode
preinstalled.  I tried installing it myself, but it seems that I need GNU
make in order to do so, which would be something else to install, and (I
assume) I couldn't use it anyway without administrator-level access.

My question is, is there a pre-compiled Windows binary for Emacs (of the
installation wizard flavor) that I could download and get the IT to install
for me with a minimum of hassle on his part?  I looked at Emacs W32, but as
far as I can tell it's Emacs 21, and doesn't have org-mode included.

Thanks a lot in advance for your help, everyone.

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