Xavier Maillard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Jason F. McBrayer <jmcbray <at> carcosa.net> writes:
>> Jost Burkardt <jost.burkardt <at> web.de> writes:
>> > Maybe I could put something together about remember-mode integration -
>> > my favourite feature. 
>> >
>> > Any Idea, where to publish it? I currently have no web-site running.
>> > Maybe emacswiki is an good place to put it? Other Ideas?
>> For tutorials like this, emacswiki would be entirely appropriate and
>> useful.  Just be sure to give it a good title and link to it from the
>> OrgMode page.
> I agree 100% ! We could even build a dedicated org page.
> Xavier

Then I'll start with emacswiki, hopefully I get something useful together soon.



BEWEIS DURCH BEISPIEL: der Autor behandelt nur den Fall n=2 und
unterstellt dann, daß die Vorgehensweise für den allgemeinen Fall klar

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