On 8/1/07, Renzo Been <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> But what is actually the difference between using:
> *priorities
> and:
> *Using tags
> You could make tags like this:
> Urgent
> Tomorow
> Low

Generally speaking, the priorities are a sorting tool. Tags may be
used for that goal, too, and by a sheer coincidence (or not?) the
proposed tags Urgent, Tomorrow and Low are in the right alphabetic
order. If you need more than 3 groups, however, you'll have to take
that into account. Also, it's OK to use tags instead of priorities as
long as you don't want the records to be sorted by yet another
criterion. Otherwise, you need something to complement the tags and
the priorities are perfect here.

Also, in the files where tags are used extensively, the tag you want
the records to be sorted by may happen to be in any position but the
last one, thus breaking the sorting.

That's why I prefer priorities to the corresponding tags, even though
the best use I have for them is setting the rating of the read books
:). They're simply indispensable for that goal.

With best regards,
Dmitri Minaev

Russian history blog: http://minaev.blogspot.com

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