Maxim Loginov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> usually I look for the paper in internet and use remember to insert
> such TODOs, and temporarily modify remember template in order not to
> seek "* TODO read papers" headline every time. It would be good if
> org-mode can remember the last used headline and insert newly created
> TODO under it for example using prefix argument 0 (C-u 0 M-x remember)
> I'm wondering if such feature exist or can be implemented?

Sorry I read your question too hastily.

Why not using *two* templates, one for headlines you want to put under
"* TODO read papers" and one for headlines you'd like to put elsewhere?

BTW, interactively selecting the place for the newly inserted remember
note does not work properly for me:

| Cursor         Key         Note gets inserted
| position                   
| buffer-start   <RET>       as level 2 heading at end of file
| on headline    <RET>       as sublevel of the heading at cursor
|                <left>/<right>as same level, before/after current heading
| not on         <RET>       at cursor position, level taken from context.
| headline                   

- <left>/<right> inserts notes as sublevel, not as same level.
- RET at the beginning of buffer inserts the remember note at level 1
  before the first note, not as level 2 at end of file.

Tested with 5.07a and two dummy templates like:

(setq org-remember-templates
      '((?n "* %?\n  %i\n  %a" "~/org/")
        (?N "* %?\n  %i\n  %a" "~/org/" "Notes")))

... and with a like:

| * Notes
| ** Nothing
| ** Nothing more


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