For easy insertion of templates as you make entries on a
daily/hourly basis, look at the org -> remember integration ---
the easiest way to do this would be to 

A)  install remember
B) Create an appropriate entry in the org-remember-templates,
C) Just hit remember and jot down what you are entering.

>>>>> "Robert" == Robert D Crawford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
    Robert> I am a new user to org-mode and picked it up mainly
    Robert> for the spreadsheet functionality.  I have a few
    Robert> questions that I cannot seem to get an answer to from
    Robert> reading the info manual.
    Robert> I am using the spreadsheet to keep track of my blood
    Robert> glucose levels, correctional boluses, carb intake,
    Robert> meal boluses, and basal increases.  All of these
    Robert> things need to be recorded to the nearest hour.  Each
    Robert> section will look like the following and corresponds
    Robert> to one day.  I have removed many of the hours for
    Robert> brevity.
    Robert> | | date | 00 | 01 | 22 | 23 | avg bg | tot carb |
    Robert> |---+-------+-----+----+----+----+--------+----------|
    Robert> | | bg | | | | | | | | | corr | | | | | | | | | carb
    Robert> | | | | | | | | | bolus | | | | | | | | | basal | | |
    Robert> | | | | | | | | | | | | |
    Robert> |---+-------+-----+----+----+----+--------+----------|
    Robert> #+TBLFM: @3$3=if(@-1>0,(@-1-100.0)/100.0,string("")
    Robert> As you can see, I have only the basic layout and one
    Robert> equation.
    Robert> Now for the questions.
    Robert> 1.  I would like to keep all the tables above in one
    Robert> spreadsheet, one table for each day of the month,
    Robert> creating a new spreadsheet each month.  If there is a
    Robert> more efficient way to do it I am more than open to
    Robert> suggestion.  The reason is that I would be able to
    Robert> more easily track trends in blood glucose levels on a
    Robert> time-of-day basis.
    Robert> All other questions assume the above layout.
    Robert> 2.  I would like to create a file and
    Robert> simply insert that file every morning when I do my
    Robert> first reading.  One problem I see is the equations
    Robert> might need to be rewritten for the bit that gets
    Robert> added.  Is there some way to get past this issue?
    Robert> 3.  Is there some functionality for row equations
    Robert> like there is for column equations?  The rows marked
    Robert> "corr" and "bolus" can be automatically filled with
    Robert> values and I would like to do this but don't want to
    Robert> have to bother with the work necessary to yank the
    Robert> equation in each field if it is not necessary.  I did
    Robert> try to use a range in the tblfm line but this does
    Robert> not work.
    Robert> 4.  In the name of further automation, can one jump
    Robert> to a particular coordinate in the spreadsheet?
    Robert> I think that takes care of my immediate questions.
    Robert> Thanks for any assistance offered.
    Robert> rdc -- Robert D. Crawford [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    Robert> "But I don't like Spam!!!!"
    Robert> _______________________________________________
    Robert> Emacs-orgmode mailing list Remember: use `Reply All'
    Robert> to send replies to the list.

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