On 9/17/07, Leo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Can someone help me understand the advantage of running Emacs in pda?
> Emacs is an keyboard driven application and pda sucks at keyboard
> input. How would these two things match?

I don't think that most people would choose to run Emacs on a PDA (phone) if
they had a desktop/laptop available. The scenario where Emacs on a phone
seems attractive is when your only options are Emacs on your phone or
writing on your hand.

As someone who's used Emacs on a HTC Mogul though[1], I completely agree
with your point. Generally PDAs/phones don't make very good Emacs devices,
not so much because typing on their keyboards is slow, but because almost
all physical phone keyboards (excluding external keyboards) lack Control and
Meta keys. As you can imagine, Emacs without Control or Meta is not very
useful or fun.


[1] I used SSH, which had the added benefit that I didn't have to worry
about syncing my org-mode files.
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