David O'Toole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I've been in my new "simple GTD" system for about a week, and it feels
> very comfortable. Thanks again to Carsten and to the org-mode
> community.
> Now I see what was wrong with my previous uses of org-mode. I never
> used any keywords other than TODO and DONE. This didn't give enough
> information, so it meant that every task I might possibly ever do had
> a TODO item. Because of the absurd number of TODO's I never used the
> agenda feature much, and therefore didn't schedule many things; I
> relied on my cell-phone for scheduling appointments, and never set
> deadlines in my personal coding projects.
> Now I am scheduling more things, and using the agenda views
> regularly. 
> But I am still having one problem. Right now I have a section in my
> One Big Orgfile that looks like this: 
>> * Books
>> ** TODO Read "Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus"
>> *** DONE Find out about Wittgenstein's notation
>> *** NEXT Chapter 5
>> *** TODO Chapter 6
>> *** TODO Chapter 7
>> *** TODO Review entire book
>> *** MAYBE [[http://s22318.tsbvi.edu/mathproject/appB-sec1.asp][Spoken 
>> mathematics]]
>> ** TODO Read "The Analysis of Mind"
>> *** NEXT Chapter 1 
> This gives in the agenda:
>  dto:              Scheduled:  NEXT Chapter 5
>  dto:              Scheduled:  NEXT Chapter 1
> Without any indication which book the chapters are from.  Can I fix
> this with properties or tags or categories or something?

I'm less than a week into my shiny new GTD setup.

I don't normally schedule tasks that don't need to be scheduled anymore.
I spend more time "doing stuff" than rescheduling things.  I have a
PROJECT and PROJDONE task which I use only for project headlines - and
the PROJECT task defines what is a project.  I schedule some of the
important PROJECT tasks (not their subtasks) just to keep them on my
radar in the daily agenda view.

My NEXT tag view for @home is @home/NEXT|PROJECT so my view is something
like this:

  todo:       .PROJECT Learn Ruby on Rails - Agile Development on Rails Depot 
Application tutorial
  todo:       ...NEXT Chapter 6                                  :sub60:

which shows the book title.  You can also use follow mode in the agenda
if you reveal the parent headings with org-show-hierarchy-above t.

I don't know of a way to see it directly in the agenda if you only
display the NEXT task.


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