>>>>> "Russell" == Russell Adams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Russell> however you must realize that a tool meant to maintain
    Russell> personal lists of items may eventually grow to encompass
    Russell> larger projects.


I do realise this.  But the question that needs to be answered
is whether this is necessarily the best path ?

    Russell> I think the reason this discussion took off is that if an
    Russell> existing project management tool worked the way we wanted
    Russell> it to, this would be a moot discussion. As it is, it
    Russell> appears that none of the traditional PM style tools
    Russell> integrate with Org use or provide similar functionality. I
    Russell> know I've been frustrated trying to export Org data to MS
    Russell> Project and keep them in sync.

It could be that you are trying to use the wrong tool ? Task Juggler 


is cross platform and will do all the PM you need out of the box.  As
the system is based on a text mode, I am willing to bet that you could
write some perl or other code to move your org file into it. Possibly
the other way as well.

Don't get me wrong - I have used PM tools myself for very big projects
(in fact I used to maintain the PM FAQ document on Usenet many years ago
http://www.non.com/news.answers/proj-plan-faq.html), but I just question
if org-mode is the right path to follow for this.

Let me explain my concern. If Carsten decides to move along the PM route
(and it is entirely his call), then I suspect that the amount of code
required to implement all the necessary functionality will be huge. It
would probably dwarf the present org-mode code base.

At that stage, the ability of Carsten to respond so quickly to requests
for features and bug fixes will, I think, be compromised. Also, it is
bound to have an effect on the speed of org mode. My main concern is
that the focus of org-mode will have shifted away from where I want it
to be, which I admit is a personal concern and perhaps a little selfish

Anyway, just my thoughts.
Have a good evening all.


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