Hi everyone,

I am releasing Org-mode version 5.13 at http://orgmode.org

This is a big release.  Except for severe bug fixes, the next
release will probably not be before the end of November.


- Carsten

Changes in Version 5.13


   - Bug fixes and improvements in column view
     + All known bugs fixed.
     + A Column view can be captured into a dynamic block.
     + The ITEM column is formatted core compactly.
     + Also ITEM can be edited with `e'

   - The agenda dispatcher
     + `<' cycles through restriction states.
     + Multi-character access codes to commands (= sub-keymaps).

   - Sorting improvements
     + User-defined sorting keys.
     + Sorting by properties.
     + Sorting of plain lists.

   - HTML <div> structure

   - Other stuff
     + New variables, several of them.
     + Drawers can be set on a per-file basis.
     + Better control over priority fontification in agenda.
     + M-up and M-down now move the current line up and down.
     + Abort remember template selection with C-g.


Bug fixes and improvements in column view

    - All the bugs described by Scott Jaderholm have been fixed
      (at least I hope so...).

    - You can now capture a column view into a dynamic block, for
      exporting or printing it.  The column view can be

      + global, i.e. for the entire file
      + local, i.e. for the subtree where the dynamic block is
      + from an entry with a specific :ID: property.

      You can identify the entry whose column view you want to
      capture by assigning an :ID: property, and use that property
      in the dynamic block definition.  For example:

       * Planning
           :ID: planning-overview


       * The column view
       #+BEGIN: columnview :hlines 1 :id "planning-overview"


      Use `C-c C-x r' to insert such a dynamic block, and you will
      be prompted for the ID.

    - When the current column format displays the TODO keyword,
      priority or tags, these parts are stripped from the content
      of the ITEM column, making for more compact and readable
      entries.  When any of these "properties" are not listed in
      the current column format, they are instead retained in the
      ITEM column.

    - You can now also edit the ITEM column with `e'.

The agenda dispatcher

    - Instead of pressing `1' to restrict an agenda command to
      the current buffer, or `0' to restrict it to the current
      subtree or region, you can now also press `<' once or
      twice, respectively.  This frees up `1' and `0' for user
      commands, a request by Bastien.  In fact, "<" cycles
      through different restriction states.  "1" and "0" are
      still available for backward compatibility, until you bind
      them to custom commands.

    - The access code to custom agenda commands can now contain
      several characters, effectively allowing to bundle several
      similar commands into a sub-keymap.  This follows an
      excellent proposal by Adam Spiers.  For example:

       (setq org-agenda-custom-commands
         '(("h" . "HOME + Name tag searches") ; describe prefix "h"
           ("hl" tags "+HOME+Lisa")
           ("hp" tags "+HOME+Peter")
           ("hk" tags "+HOME+Kim")))

    - The user function option in org-agenda-custom-commands may
      now also be a lambda expression, following a request by
      Adam Spiers.

Sorting improvements

    We are using a new routine for sorting entries, courtesy of
    John Wiegley.  Many thanks to John.

    - You can define your own function to extract a sorting key
      and in this way sort entries by anything you like.

    - Entries can now be sorted according to the value of a

    - Plain lists can be sorted.

HTML <div> structure

    There is now a <div>-based structure in exported HTML.

    - The table of context is wrapped into a div with a class

    - The outline structure is embedded in <div> elements with
      classes "outline-1", "outline-2" etc.

    - The postamble, containing the author information and the
      date is wrapped into a div with class "postamble".

    I am not sure if the class names are the best choice, let me
    know if there are more "canonical" names we should use instead.

    Thanks to Mike Newman and Cezar for input, and in particular
    to Mike for his clearly formulated specification.

Other stuff

    - New variable `org-agenda-window-frame-fractions' to
      customize the size limits of the agenda window in the case
      that you display the agenda window by reorganizing the

    - Drawers can be set on a per-file basis using


      This will define the drawers :HIDDEN: and :STATE:.
      The :PROPERTY: drawer should always be part of this list, or
      your properties will not be folded away.
      Thanks to Richard G. Riley for this proposal.

    - `org-agenda-fontify-priorities' may now also be an
      association list of priorities and faces, to specify the
      faces of priorities in the agenda individually.

    - The variable `org-export-with-property-drawer' no longer
      exists, please use `org-export-with-drawers' instead.  Also,
      the corresponding switch in the #+OPTIONS line has changed
      from "p" to "d".  Thanks to Bastien for pointing out that we
      needed to handle not only the property drawer.

    - M-up and M-down now move the current line up and down (if
      not at a headline, item or table).  Among other things you
      can use this to re-order properties in the drawer.  This was
      a proposal by Bastien.

    - New variable `org-agenda-todo-ignore-with-date', based on a
      request by Wanrong Lin.

    - Aborting remember template selection with C-g now kills the
      remember buffer and restores the old window configuration.
      This was a request by Nuutti Kotivuori.

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