
I'm very happy with the new org-refile, but the current way of
specifying the target node is, IMHO, not as convenient as it could be.
For instance, if i specify levels up to, say, 2 as targets, and have
duplicated headlines at said level:

* Project A
** Tasks
** Resources
* Project B
** Tasks
** Resources

the completion shows only the first occurrence of 'Tasks' and
'Resources'. What i do now is giving them different names, but it's a
bit artificial:

* Project A
** Project A tasks
** Project A resources
* Project B
** Project B tasks
** Project B resources

For situations like this one, it would help a lot having the option of
interactively selecting the target node in the same way as one selects
it after invoking org-remember. A second option would be to have
completion for all headlines in a hierarchical way, navigating the
outline tree at the mini-buffer prompt as if one where navigating a
file tree after C-xC-f. Finally, a (quick?) workaround would be to
show the target names as 'full-paths', e.g. Project A/Tasks, Project
B/Tasks in the first example above.

What do you think?


P.D. I've looked a bit at org.el to try to implement this myself, but
unfortunately my time is right now too short for the amount of code
involved :-(.

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