 Adam> Did you mean x11vnc?  This isn't available in any of the OS2007
 Adam> repositories yet :-/

 >> it from my desktop). The first shows the stylus virtual keyboard, and
 >> the second the full screen. Depending on your eyes, you can zoom out
 >> to view up to 100 lines of text and still read it.

 Adam> Today I became the very proud owner of a shiny new N810.  This thing
 Adam> rocks!  It's the slickest Linux-powered unified gizmo I have ever
 Adam> seen.  It didn't take long to get set it up so I could ssh in as root
 Adam> and do operations with apt-get.  Python is already running nicely ;-)

 Adam> However, the main reason for buying it was to try to get an
 Adam> ultra-portable version of org-mode, so I'd be *really* grateful if you
 Adam> could guide me through how you cross-compiled it for the N800.  Then
 Adam> I'll try the same on the N810 and maybe even publish a package
 Adam> repository with it in.  *Any* help would be much appreciated.

Check maemo.org (look for SDK). You need a linux computer (preferable
running debian). You have to download around 0.5 gigs of packages but
it is relatively straightforward. There is a good tutorial on how to
do it.

Now that the N810 has a physical keyboard more people will be inclined
to run emacs on it. I personally run it only for remember and when
connecting remotely into it. 

On the other hand I have read that emacs23 has support for this type
of devices, but I have not compiled it yet.

The 2008 apps are still being few and scarce. For that reason I have
set up a dual boot in my N800.

One more issue. You won't have space in the internal memory to install
it. You need to format a card using ext2, and then mount it (internal
or external) and symlink to it. Alternatively you can install the OS
in an external card and boot into it (my preferred choice).


 Adam> Thanks,
 Adam> Adam

Daniel M. German                  
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .

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