On Sat, Dec 15, 2007 at 10:04:44AM +0530, Rustom Mody wrote:
> There was a thread here (sorry cant exactly find it) about how when
> running emacs under windows it has been possible to setup a keyboard
> shortcut such that from anywhere, any application one can jump to
> emacs under a remember in org mode.

I missed that first time, but what a great idea!

> Something similar should be possible under gnome.  Anyone know how?
> What I have been able to do so far is that in
> gconf-editor -> apps -> metacity -> global-keybindings run_command_1
> is bound to the key <mod4> e (that is WIN e)
> And in
> gconf-editor -> apps -> metacity -> keybinding-commands command_1 is
> bound to wmctrl -a emacs
> In combination this makes Win e a 'global hotkey' so that from any
> application under gnome Win-e activates emacs (assuming it is there
> iconified)

Wow, thanks!  What a great discovery wmctrl is.

> I was wondering if there is some way that in addition to activating
> emacs it is possible to run remember

Returning the favour: http://xmacro.sourceforge.net/

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