Hi Carsten and list,

I started playing with HTML export this week and since I'm lazy I don't
want to have to remember to export.  I created a few simple functions
that export my org file to HTML and copies the resulting HTML file to my
webserver when I save my org file using C-x C-s.

This works great for sharing my ToDo list and other documents with other


(defvar bth-publish-command "/home/bernt/bin/publish"
  "Command used to publish a document")

(defun bth-publish-buffer ()
  "Publish the document associated with the current buffer."
   ((not (buffer-file-name))
    (error "This buffer is not associated with a file"))
    (error "Save buffer prior to publishing this document"))
    (message "Updating document..")
    (if (/= 0 (call-process bth-publish-command
                            nil nil nil
        (error "Failed to update document")
      (message "Done.")))))

(defun bth-export-save-then-publish ()
  "Save the current buffer, export to HTML, and publish on the website"
  (org-export-as-html 2)
  (message "Published."))

(defun bth-org-define-keys ()
  "Define C-x C-s for buffer whose filename ends with .org"
  (when (and (buffer-file-name)
             (string= (substring (buffer-file-name) -4) ".org"))
    (local-set-key "\C-x\C-s" 'bth-export-save-then-publish)))

(add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'bth-org-define-keys)


Now I have multiple org-mode files and they don't all have the same
structure.  I've hardcoded the HTML export to level 2 in
bth-export-save-then-publish but it would be much better to have the
export honour the org-mode file option instead.

I have the following at the top of my org files:

#+TITLE: ToDo List
#+OPTIONS: H:2 ^:nil f:nil author:nil toc:t

I tried various things but if I change the H:2 to something else (H:3,
etc) it always exports with level 2 in the table of contents when I save
the file with C-x C-s.  If I export manually with the C-c C-e h
sequences then the #+OPTIONS: heading level is used.  All of the other
#+OPTIONS seem to work fine it's just the heading level from my
(org-export-as-html 2) seems to override the file level setting.

Is there an easy fix for this?  I'm still a lisp novice.

One other thing that would be handy is a way to skip tasks in the
export.  I'm not sure if anything like that exists yet or not.  I
normally have a 

* Timelog

entry at the top of every org file which has the clock table format that
is appropriate for that file.  I really don't want that included in my
export to HTML so it would be great if there was a way to say 'skip this
heading and all sublevel headings' on export - maybe as a property or

For now I've delete the Timelog tasks from the files I'm exporting to
keep the time log tables off the published version.


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