Hi Lanas,

lanas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>   I'm taking a look at orgmode for the possibility of organizing simple
> projects.  Is it possible to export an agenda view or some other agenda
> data so that it can be eventually rendered in an HTML browser using a
> calendar ? 


See this info node: 

,----[ (info "(org)Exporting Agenda Views") ]
| If you are away from your computer, it can be very useful to have a
| printed version of some agenda views to carry around.  Org-mode can
| export custom agenda views as plain text, HTML(1) and postscript.  If
| you want to do this only occasionally, use the command

If you want an HTML version of the current agenda view, then just do
`C-x C-w' when you're in the agenda view and enter an HTML file name.

> Or better yet, if tags are used to assign individual tasks
> to team members, rendered as some kind of a chart over time ?

Yes.  For this you will need to define a "block agenda".

See the manual here: (info "(org)Block agenda")

     (setq org-agenda-custom-commands
           '(("p" "List of tasks for people"
              ((tags "Alfred")
               (tags "Antoine")
               (tags "Me"))

M-x org-agenda RET p RET will display a list of blocks, each one listing
the item tagged with the people names.  Then you can export this with
`C-x C-w'.

If you want to store such agenda views from the command line:

~$ emacs -f org-batch-store-agenda-views -kill

>   I've seen mentions of iCal here and there but don't know what this is
> about.  

iCal (as a short name for "iCalendar") is a standard for calendar data
exchange: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ICalendar

> Could exporting to iCal format accomplish these goals  and if
> so, what would be the software at the other end that would read ans
> render in HTML format ?

Exporting to iCal will lets you export your agenda entries, but not your
agenda views.  The agenda entries will be taken from the current buffer
when you export it to iCalendar with `C-c C-e i' or from all the agenda
files when you export them with `C-c C-e I'.  

In any case, I guess the iCalendar export won't let you have all the
flexibility of agenda views, but you definitely can use the iCalendar
export to share calendar informations with others.  

For example, you can upload an `my_org_file.ics' file somewhere on the
web and tell your friends to synchronize their iCal app with it.  iCal
is now standard and there are many apps that can read it (iCal, Google
calendar, evolution, etc.)  

As for myself, I upload a .ics to the web, feed it to Google calendar
then create a HTML webpage from this google calendar for everyone to
check the calendar I am locally maintaining.



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