Hello out there,

the  appended package  contains  the alpha  version  of the  org-info.js
mentioned earlier on  this list. The script displays  XHTML exported org
files in an Linuxdoc like way  and now supports folding. Just anpack and
view the contained org-info.js.html in your browser and love it.

* Folding

  To understand the folding features  `g´ (global folding) and `f´ (fold
  section) zoom  the document to  a very small  size, move to  the first
  section, enter  plain view mode (press  `t´ if in info  view mode) and
  start folding.  I changed the stylesheet a bit for this.

Some work  has been done to  remove bugs and add  features requested. An
excerpt of the ChangeLog:

  * TOC, title and global folding
    The title was  doubled in some cases. This should  be fixed now. The
    TOC is now a node as all the other sections to.

  * Documentation updated.

  * Stylesheet
    Now with indentation. This demonstrates the folding somewhat

  * Hide T.O.C.
    The table  of contents can now  be hidden completely due  to the new
    option  HIDE_TOC.  Hence the  documents  have  to  be exported  with
    T.O.C., but may be displayed without it.

  * Commands reworked
    The  '/minibuffer/' is  now invisible  by default.  Commands  can be
    entered into the document itself. See below for list of shortcuts.

  * Global folding now working
    @Bastien: no doubled document title anymore :)

  * Link to homepage
    It's now  possible to  link to  the homepage and  to an  other page.
    These two links  will be displayed as `HOME´  and `Up´ respectively.
    The   HOME   link   in   the   demo   links   to   the   worg   page
    http://www.legito.net/worg/.   Thus pressing  `H´  should bring  you

* Shortcuts

  | Key | Action                        | Info | Plain |
  | n   | next section                  | y    | y     |
  | p   | previous section              | y    | y     |
  | i   | goto T.O.C.                   | y    | y     |
  | u   | one level up (parent section) | y    | y     |
  | s   | prompt for section number     | y    | y     |
  | t   | toggle view mode              | y    | y     |
  | v   | scroll by 200 px              | y    | y     |
  | V   | scroll back 200 px            | y    | y     |
  | ?   | show shortcuts                | y    | y     |
  | h   | follow the link '/UP/'        | y    | y     |
  | H   | follow the link '/HOME/'      | y    | y     |
  | f   | fold current section          |      | y     |
  | g   | fold globaly                  |      | y     |

* Note:

  There is  always an  active section  and the script  tries to  keep it
  visible on screen all the time.  This might feel strange at first, but
  it's really helpfull when navigating by keyboard only.

* Firefox / Iceweasel users:

  The usage  of JavaScript slows  down scrolling in current  versions of
  FF.  This is a  known bug  and absolutely  anoying.  I  switched using
  Opera at the moment, which is the fastest browser I know.

Last time some of where so kind to drop me a message with browsers brand
and version if working. The browsers are NOT yet referenced as supported
browsers. From  now on  no new JavaScript  features will creep  into the
code anymore and it's time to add some browsers there.



Attachment: org-info-js.tar.bz2
Description: org-info-js.tar.bz2 -- without images

Sebastian Rose             Fachinformatiker/Anwendendungsentwickler
Viktoriastaße 22
30451 Hannover             Entwicklung  von Internetanwendungen und
                           Programmen  mit  freien  Werkzeugen  und
sebastian_rose at gmx de   Bibliotheken.
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