My thoughtful suggestion has become the brunt of an April Fool's Joke?
I have half a mind to report you all to the Productivity Police! Fine!
I'm going back to paper and pencil for to-do lists, and mail, too!
We'll see how you like that!


On Tue, Apr 1, 2008 at 2:26 AM, Carsten Dominik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Dear all,
>  the recent discussion about Taskpaper in the thread started
>  by Clint Laskowski has made me realize how much we have lost
>  out way with Org-mode.  Org-mode was once a compact and
>  easy tool just like taskpaper.  In fact, looking at the
>  features of taskpaper, one might think that they had an older
>  version of Org-mode as model and goal of their development.
>  But in the meantime, mostly due to a mountain of demands
>  from this group, it has become so bloated with mostly
>  useless features, that all but the most geeky users are
>  totally confused by this.
>  Reading this thread has really cost me a lot of sleep, but
>  I have now come to the conclusion that we need to turn
>  the tide and downscope Org-mode significantly.  Luckily
>  I have recently put much effort into splitting org.el
>  into a number of separate files with separate features.
>  This allows us a very simple and straight-forward path
>  for this down-scoping effort.  I can simply try to remove
>  one of these separate files after the other and then see
>  how much complaining I will get for this.  In this way,
>  we can make this process community-based, but I will
>  need you to frequently update org-mode and to give me
>  feedback during the process.
>  Those of you who actively follow the git repository
>  might have noticed that this morning I have started
>  by removing org-table.el, the file containing the
>  table editor.  Unfortunately this also means that the
>  clocktable support no longer works, but I have always
>  considered this as a sickening feature anyway, which
>  tries to streamline our life, but in fact only leads to
>  more work, and to more time taken away from spending with
>  partners, kids and friends.
>  I hope that you can all agree with my conclusion.  If not,
>  than I am confident that with time you will realize
>  just how important today's decision was.
>  - Carsten
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-- Clint

Clint Laskowski, CISSP

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